Chapter 44: Lying in the Dark

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They found him.

They found Peter.

He'd saw it on the news first. Some of the Academy students were there and the Avengers were just arriving on scene when Harry stopped to watch, realizing that the subject on screen had switched from the lawsuit against his father to an attack happening in the downtown area. Through the muddled video taken from someone's phone, a large, looming figure was hunched over in an alleyway, barely concealed from view.

Harry couldn't stop the unpleasant shiver from running down his spine upon seeing those black and red tendrils whipping through the air. The flash of white teeth and a curling tongue made his heart jump in his chest and he dropped the bowl of cereal he was trying to force down his throat.

He ignored the mess and fumbled for his phone, eyes pinned to the TV as he put it to his ear.

"MJ, turn on the news."

"I already know Harry," her voice said, already hoarse and out of breath. "I was just about to call you. I'm on my way there right now."

Harry almost teetered to the side.

"What?" His eyes jumped back to the screen as another flash of teeth caught the camera. "MJ you have to be careful. That thing-"

"I know, Harry. Don't worry, I won't get close. I'm not that stupid. I just...I need to see him."

He recognized that slip of desperation and couldn't find a rebuttal strong enough to convince her otherwise. Instead, he grabbed his jacket.

"I'm heading down there too. Meet you there?"

He half expected her to tell him not to. To stay at home because it might be too much.

"Meet you there," she said instead and Harry thought he might cry.

His arms shook as they pulled themselves through the sleeves and he fumbled with the laces on his shoes. He wished he had access to the Patrioteer Armor, but ever since hacking into his dad's computer and watching those videos, his armor privileges had been revoked. It could've just been because it needed repairs, but Harry was sure it was because Norman didn't trust him not to do something risky with it.

At first, Harry didn't even care.

But now, he really wished he had something fast and built for flight.

Instead, he ran out of the building and down the nearest subway. The roads were too full to call a cab and getting there quickly was his priority. He paid for the train and was been so caught up in his own thoughts and feelings, he hardly registered the fact that he was on the subway.

He almost never took the subway.

Later, he could recall how crowded and smelly it was, but his focus had been so honed on his phone, and the news channel still reporting the incident, that nothing else stuck with him.

As soon as the train stopped at his destination, he hot-footed out and ran the rest of the way. By the time he was on the scene of the attack, a large crowd had amassed and the fight was already over. Still, he craned his neck over the tops of people's heads, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone he recognized.

He saw Captain America and Hawkeye talking with the media, and Hulk standing off to the side, but he couldn't see anything else. A red ponytail caught his attention as MJ sidled up next to him.

"Did you see him?" he asked, heart racing and lungs burning.

"Only for a minute," she said, but there was something in her eyes that made Harry pause. "That thing, Harry..."

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