Chapter 24: Rescue (Part 1)

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So, updating before last Monday was a bust. But oh well. I'll update before this coming Monday XD

Thank you, everyone, for such awesome comments! XD You guys make me so happy!

Also, note: POV's switch in this chapter. I wrote it down so you guys could see, but I still wanted to say something so no one would get confused. Anyway, enjoy this chapter! C:

Steve POV

Steve closed the door behind him as soon as the last of the joining members took their seats for the meeting. He sat at the table, placed respectively between Natasha and Tony, with arms crossed over his chest to hide the anxious beating of his heart. For once, wishing he could just skip the meeting and get right to the fighting. The rest of the Avengers and S.H.I. Academy teenagers sat around the long table too, waiting for the meeting to begin with thrumming fingers and tapping feet. and Norman Osborn rose together to stand at the front of the table, bringing with them the acute attention of every pair of eyes in the room.

Connors did a quick glance over the group, hands rubbing together with erratic eagerness, before nodding for Norman to begin.

Norman took a diplomatic step forward, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice," he started, as professional as a CEO should be. "You are all aware of the discovery of Otto Octavius's lab, I'm sure?" he paused as if looking for affirmation, before continuing, "Good. Then I'm going to start right off by saying we know where Spider-Man is."

That sentence alone sent everyone else into an uproar.

"What?" the Iron Spider kid demanded, surging out of his chair, ignoring how it hit the floor. "H-how did you-When did... how did you guys find the base?"

Over him, another kid, White Tiger, Steve recalled, exclaimed in a growl, "What? Where?"

From the back, Hulk's face pinched, "Bout time."

There were more questions too, but the rest were drowned out in the fast-growing mush filling the room. Steve gave a sidelong glance at Tony, who wasn't joining in on the excited conversation either. Not that they needed too. Both he and Tony had been there when Norman came storming into the Triskelion yesterday, wielding a flash drive and stating that he knew what happened. Tony, Norman, Connors, Natasha, and Steve had all spent the next long hours of the night pouring over the contents of the flash drive, searching for answers and clues. Natasha, who sat next to him, leaned back in her chair with a small sigh, looking ready for the meeting to be over too.

Connors slapped the surface of the table a few times to get everyone's attention. "Quiet!" he snapped, then softened his voice. "Please, I know you guys have questions, but just let us finish first, okay?" he aimed this, particularly, at the grumbling teenagers who slumped back in their seats. As soon as all the chatter died down, he motioned for Norman to continue.

"Yesterday evening," Norman said, eyes brightening in excitement, "I found footage stored by the Goblin concerning Otto Octavius's lab,"

Peter Parker POV

Peter was pulled awake with a sharp light stabbing rays into his eyes.

His vision was too blurred to make out anything but the glowing circle in his face, but the pain, particularly in his leg, was as clear to him as unblemished glass. He was faintly aware of muffled voices standing above him, and the dull pressure on his legs and arms. Somewhere below, something nudged his throbbing leg, and with a sharp hiss of pain, Peter was completely pulled out of his dazed consciousness as everything started to fall into focus.

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