Part 25 - This Is Over

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"Steve!" Natasha called out for the man she loves, she saw Steve just about to get into his car but he stopped turning around to look at her confused, but also a hint of sadness.

"What Natasha?" Steve replied annoyed, he was full of mixed emotions. The thought of a baby with Natasha made his heart beam with happiness. However the thought that Natasha didn't seem bothered, made his heart ache.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I threw off this conversation as if it wasn't important." She stresses. "I do care and I should of approached this better. But Yelena came back, and I put that first." Natasha said sadly.

"Natasha, this situation won't just go away I know you! You will keep throwing off this conversation. I get it Nat, this decision is hard." Steve raises his voice, due to being overwhelmed with stress. "Y-you can't just run away from this. Like everything else in your life because you don't know how to deal with anything like a normal human being!" He shouted, his eyes widened realising how insensitive he was being. "I didn't mean-"

"Whatever. I get it and by the way, you know nothing of what I have had to run from. You barely know half of the pain I went through!" Natasha snapped back, she was upset that Steve would say something so harsh. Natasha goes to walk away.

When Steve grabs her arm gently pulling her back carefully to face him. "Nat, I'm sorry-"

"Don't fucking touch me! I'm done, this is over Steve." Natasha said frustratingly, she didn't mean it but she was angry and upset and the words fell out of her mouth before she could think.

"Us? Over?" Steve asked, feeling his heart shatter, this was his fault. He should of controlled his anger better. "Nat you know I didn't mean it... I love you." He said his voice broke as he tried to control his tears.

"Well Steve you have a bad way of showing it. I came down here to get you to apologise for pushing you away. So we, we! Could sort this out together. Cause I truly believed i wanted to live like this forever. Me, you, Sam, Bucky and Yelena. But I can't deal with this..." Natasha said her voice getting more frail.

"Nat... it can be like that!" Steve tried to reassure her. He locked his hand with hers, intertwining gently. "Please..."

"Steve... there are so many casualties here.. Sharon is still out there and she will be back soon. God knows how long my mother and my ex husband will be in prison for. It's only a matter of time until they notice, that I'm pregnant and they'll instantly go to you." Natasha spoke softly wiping her tears with her free hand. She then sighed deeply, "you don't know my past, but the reason I run is to protect the people I most care about. But it's just me running from my problems isn't it?" She said sarcastically, with a huge tone of hurt in her voice. "That I'm not normal enough of a human being." Natasha said letting go off his hand.

Steve saddens at the lost touch of Natasha's hand. "Nat... I didn't mean it.."

"I don't know how to feel right now Steve... I don't know if I want this baby... I don't know if I want... you." She said not looking up at him, she was lying. She wanted Steve more than anything. She wanted a life with him, a family. A normal life. However that could never be, her past would always catch up to her.

"You're lying.." Steve said reassuringly, he was mostly just trying to reassure himself, that the love of his life wasn't about to leave him heartbroken and alone.

"Steve... don't make this harder than it already is..." She said sadly, undoing the necklace that she was wearing, putting into Steve's hands gently. "Until we can figure whatever this is out. I want you to hold onto this.." it was the necklace Steve had given her at Christmas.

"Nat... you were scared to go out with me because you were scared to get hurt. Now your the one hurting me?" Steve felt betrayed, he held the necklace in his hand.

"Steve stop. I just need a break, I need to get my head around all of this." Natasha sighed walking away and back into the building of her apartment. She didn't look back. She couldn't.

Steve's anger and sadness built up in his body as he got into his car. He slammed the door and hit the breaks. He needed to find Sam and Bucky.

Author note: GUYS don't worry! This is not me ending the story! There is still many chapters to come and don't worry Romanogers endgame ;)

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