Part 1 - New girl

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Steve Rogers POV:

The sound of the alarm, painfully echoed in Steve's ear. He groans. "Is the summer already over?" After awhile of contemplating calling in sick for work he eventually gets out of bed, brushing his teeth and getting changed into a hoodie and gym shorts. That's one of the reasons he loved his department in school, no uniform, no uncomfortable suits and no pointy shoes. Steve then quickly slips on his trainers that are covered to the brim in dirt as he leaves the house, locking his door and drives to work.

Getting into work, Steve parks his car, the furthest he can to the basket ball court (he didn't want his precious car getting damaged). Walking up to one of the main buildings of Brooklyn high, he sees his closest friend, Sam Wilson. Sam Wilson was one Steve's closest friends, as well as his friend Bucky (he was a bar tender).

Steve pulls Sam in for a bro hug and smiles. "How was your summer, Falcon?"
Falcon was Sams nickname.
"Not bad, glad to be back working, I was running out of microwaveable pasta to buy." Sam shrugs.
Steve grins breaking out into a chuckle.
"Sam. There's more food in the world than just pasta."
Sam shakes his head, "nothing in the WORLD beats pasta." He pats Steves shoulder. "Anyways you heard about the newbie?" Sam questions expecting Steve to know. He normally knew all the news about the work place.
Steve's head tilted almost like a confused puppy.
Sam looked at him in a playful shock.
"You really don't know do you?, Well my friend, your in for a real treat when you meet her. She's Russian, red fiery hair and works for the history department."
Steve looked at him pretending not to be interested in what Sam had to say. Knowing Sam was always trying to set him up with just any chick that walked by.

Thats when, Natasha walked by. Her hips swaying, she was wearing a white blouse and a black tight pencil skirt that worked well with her curves. Natasha was that Russian girl that Sam had coincidently just spoken about.
Steve's mouth hit the floor, his stomach wrapped in knots and his body boiled like he was out in a Australian heat wave.
"Whoa..." Steve managed to choke out as his legs turned to jelly.
Sam laughed loudly almost falling to the floor grasping for air.

At the sound of Sam's laugh Natasha turned around.

Natasha POV:
It was the first day of Natasha's new job. Strangely enough she wasn't nervous. She was never one to settle in one job, she normally bounced from job to job, county to country.
Walking down the hallways of the school, it was quiet, the sound of her high heels tapping the floor causing a somewhat calming echo was the only thing she could hear. That's until it was interrupted by the sound of two men, who looked like they worked here, chatting in a kind of loud whisper but not enough that Natasha could understand what they were both bickering about.
She shrugged her shoulders not seeming to care as she walked past them. Both of the men seemed to stop. One of them was a dark skinned man who she recognised as Sam, he showed her around the school. He was kind and always try to create humour. However the other man she had never seen before. He had golden soft hair, toned muscles through his somewhat tight hoodie.
She gulped slightly and began to quicker her pace in walking. At the sound of Sam's laugh echoing the building she decided to turn around to face them again.
The man she didn't know the name of was just starring at her.
Was there something on my face? She thought to herself. Shaking off the thought she reaches her hand out in Steves direction. "Hi, I'm Natasha Romanoff. The new history teacher."

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