Part 8 - the note

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The note.

Steve picked up the note.

Meet me at the club tonight, that Bucky works in.
Wear something handsome.
I don't think that would be difficult though. ;)
Xoxo You're favourite lady.

Natasha. Steve thought instantly it was her. He sat at his desk, messing with the note and smiles. As the school day ends, Steve drives home, thinking of what to wear. He parks his car, getting out as he starts skipping to his front door and running up the stairs with anticipation; for the date. Opening his closet, he searches for different shirts and ties, throwing them across the room. Stressfully, he FaceTimes Sam.

Sam laughs, "how do you even know which of all the female teachers would even write that note? There's like 7 teachers that are all over you."

"What shirt would Natasha prefer?" He questions, blanking Sam's statement, he had been doing that a lot lately.

Sam sighed. "Any shirt is fine. Now I've got to go Steve." Before, Steve could respond Sam ended the call quickly.

Steve again didn't register that Sam wasn't acting like himself. He shrugged grabbing a white tight shirt and black trousers.

A few hours had pasted and Steve, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, fixes his blondie brown hair and slipping his shoes on as he leaves the house to the club.

Walking into the club, he looks eagerly around for Natasha.

She wasn't here.

He continues to search for the red head. Maybe it wasn't her that wrote that note. Sighing he starts to walk away from the club.

A hand tabs Steve's shoulder. Turning around Steve looks at the person in front of him. It was the blonde teacher who taught maths. Sharon Carter.

"Oh.. h-hey Sharon." He rolls his eyes slightly and hand going to the back of his own head. Him and Sharon once dated. Well It was never really a relationship. It was just lust. That died out very quickly, but Sharon never accepted it.

"Hey handsome, I heard about Natasha walking away from you. How cold." She bitterly smiles. "If you thought the redhead wrote that note. Think again." She adjusts Steve's collar. "She's not worth it. She's clearly got some problems. But what about me? I never left your side.."

"Sharon. I'm not interested." He moves away from her.

"Give me a second chance." Sharon again bitterly smiles.

"Sharon no. I wanted the note to be from Natasha." He stresses. "We're through! We didn't even officially date."

Sharon, shakes her head. "You don't see a good girl like me, your hung up on that bitch!"

"Who the hell are you calling a bitch?"

Sharon froze, slowly turning around and looks to the person who spoke. It was Natasha. "Oh Natasha! Hi! How are you?" She asks in a friendly, and excited fake tone. 

Natasha's face scrunches. "You didn't answer my question." Her arms cross, she expresses a friendly smirk to Steve and then looks down on Sharon. "Who's the bitch Sharon?, was it me who's the bitch?" She tilts her head cunningly.

"Umm Natasha, you? Never. I'm just gonna go." Sharon starts to step back until she backs up into Steve with a thud. "Steve, call me." She kisses his cheek, walking off with a slight smirk.

Steve frowns, wiping his face quickly, trying to get rid of the kiss that burnt on his face. He looked down at Natasha. "What are you doing here?"

Natasha, looks up at him. "Well, I wasn't planning on coming in here.. I was going for a walk saw you come in here and kind of followed you." She mentally hits herself for her choice of words.

"Followed me huh?" Steve smirks letting out a laugh.

"So you and Sharon. Didn't think math teachers were your thing." Natasha banters, her eye brow raises.

"So what type of teachers am I into?" He banters back.

"H-how am I supposed to know. But maths doesn't seem like your thing." Natasha shrugs. "So, I'll leave you too it.." she goes to turn around when Steve gently, grabs her shoulder and turns her back around.

"Nat, come grab a drink with me? A non alcoholic drink?" He smiles, a little grin appears on his face.

Natasha puts her hand on Steves hand were he had placed on her shoulder. "Sure." A soft smile appears on her face."

"Come on let's go" Steve gently nudges Natasha playfully which earns a nudge back as they both walk into the club.

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