Part 17 - Special Arrival

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It's the afternoon after the date, and Steve woke up happily, stepping out of his bed. He gets dressed, into his clothes he normally wears. Brushing his teeth and fixing his bed hair.

Steve only has lessons in the afternoon, so he doesn't go into school till Lunch.

Once lunch had begun, he drove to school. He parks his car. Getting out and walking up to the main building of school. He walked past Natasha's classroom, looking through her window, seeing that Sam and Natasha were sitting together eating lunch.

Steve walks into Natasha's classroom.

"Hey you two!" Steve says happily, he was in a very uplifted mood. Which can only be because of Natasha and Steve's date.

"Hey Steve!" Natasha & Sam shouts in unison, there faces lit up.

"How come you've only just got into Work?" Sam grins, he knew that Natasha & Steve had a date the night before.

"Ah I had a lie in, because I didn't have lessons to teach till the afternoon." Steve shrugged. Sam and Natasha nod.

"Sam continue." Natasha pouts.

"What is Sam doing?" He asks Natasha.

"He's doing my makeup. Cause I woke up late." Natasha smiles at Steve softly.

Sam gets some of Natasha makeup, and starts adding blush to her cheeks.

"You don't need makeup Nat." He leans down to her face and places a kiss on her forehead Which makes Natasha actually blush.

Sam looks at both of them and then just at Natasha noticing the blush that had crept on her face. He pulls the makeup brush away and looks at them both. Before he can say anything the door knocks. Which causes Natasha to instantly get up and walk to the door.

When Natasha opens the door, she sees Peter Parker.

"Is everything okay Peter?" Natasha asks in her soft teacher voice.

"Umm can I have the catch up work please?" Peter asks quietly but politely.

"Yes of course! Come with me to the staff room." Before she goes she turns around to Sam and Steve. "Mr Rogers & Mr Wilson I'm just gonna take Peter to get the catch up work I'll be back after." Natasha was always a person who acted different around her students, in a good way. She respected privacy and preferred to be treated like a stereotypical teacher.

Natasha walked off with peter.

As soon at the door shuts, Sam turns to look at Steve. " I. Want. The. Details." He claps his hands between each word when speaking. Which made Steve chuckle, Steve gets up and casually sits in Natasha's chair leaning back.

"Well, I took her to that fancy restaurant. The Italian one. Then I took her to Bucky's bar and we danced... and she kissed me." Steve grins happily.

"Damnn Steve she finally kissed you! Did you ask her for a second date? Which means 2nd base." Sam asks, wiggling his eyebrows. Knowing what second base is.

Steve looks a little stunned, "I actually never asked her." Steve said. "But I will once we both have time. Sam I'm not thinking about second base."

"Yeah yeah yeah! Sure you ain't thinking with your pants." Sam jokes with Steve.

Steve laughs and pushes Sam slightly. "You think your so funny!" He snickers. "But In all seriousness, she's different... I would never use her.." Steve says honestly looking up at Sam.

Sam nods, smiling softly. "Oh I know. I can tell the way you look at her with those eyes." Sam puts at him. "You've got love sick puppy eyes.." he teases.

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