Part 10 - Football talk

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I'm so sorry I never uploaded this sooner! I've had a lot of online school work to do ad well as I haven't been feeling great mentally however I had some free time and wanted to work on these chapters! ❤️ I would love it if you guys could comment your opinions on this story it would mean a lot to me :)
Stay safe everyone - Author (Jedikatie)

"Mr Wilson!" Steve called out Sam, using his second name due to students being around. Sam turned around quickly seeing Steve, and he shakes his head annoyed turning away and continuing to walk off. Steve sighs but doesn't stop calling him. "Mr Wilson." He puts his hand on Sam's shoulder to get his attention.

"What Rogers?!" Sam says sternly.

Steve was taken back by Sams stern voice. "I'm sorry for ignoring you recently.. it was selfish." Steve says softly. They continue to walk till there in Sam's classroom and they sit down.

"You truly are selfish. But I know you didn't mean it..." Sam shrug. "However I think I would of been the same when drooling over a pretty girl." He teases Steve about his crush of the red head.

"I'm really am sorry though.. however I don't drool over Natasha." He says defensively.

"I never said Natasha..." Sam smirk grew on his. "Dude you're whipped and you guys aren't even dating and isn't she mad at you for whatever reason?" Sam kicked his feet up onto his desk casually.

Steve goes red. "Well I didn't mean Natasha she was just first name I thought of..." He scratches the back of his head nervously.

"You don't have to lie to me, you practically stare at her in teacher meetings." He shrugs. "Anyway how was that mysterious date?" Sam waves his hands trying to mysterious.

Steve shakes his head letting out a little laugh. "Let's just say you were right. It wasn't Natasha."

"Thank you I'm always right. Wait what? Then who was it?" He looks at Steve alittle confused.

"I have one word for the woman. Crazy." Steve shook his head.

"Sharon?! Crazy maths girl?" Sam practically screams with laughter. "Oh my gawd! Your so gullible! Sharon Carter is obsessed with you!" He snaps his fingers back and forth.

"No shit." Steve rolls his eyes but laughs at Sams reaction.

"So what did you do? Did you see her and run?" Sam snickers.

"She some how found out that Natasha and I weren't on best terms cause she made a run for it." He laughs thinking back to that moment, of her running out of his house. "She was just being creepy as normal but then Natasha bumped into us, let's just say Sharon called her a bitch Natasha heard and Sharon ran. Seems like Sharon is finally scared of someone. But I don't understand why she would be scared of Natasha of all people."

Sam looked at him his eye brows raised. "Do you mean, that you do understand why everyone is scared of her. She gives off a vibe of just dangerous,cunning but sexy and flirty. And Steve you are scared of her! Have you seen the way you act around her. You go from great dance to a little Yorkshire puppy."

By this time Natasha had leant her body again the frame door of Sam's classroom. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Natasha!" Sam panicked.

Steve had gone red from panic, wondering with anxiety as to how long she had been stood there listening.

"What you guys talking about?" She looks at them both in confusion, not knowing why they were acting so weird.

"Nothing! Much-" Sam replies instantly looking to Steve waiting for him to answer.

Steve was staring at Natasha. She was wearing a tight red dress that hugged her curves. Her hair was curled/wavy and her makeup was on point.

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