Part 21 - The Beach

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Steve and Sam grab as much beach stuff as they can, Sam has a inflatable donut around his waist, Steve goes into his room and puts on his swimming trunks and a tight blue shirt.

"Let's go Steve!" Sam says excitedly. Steve just laughs shaking his head. They get into Steve's car and start driving back.

After awhile of driving in silence, Steve has a huge smile on his face and he's laid back causally, one hand on the steering well. Sam smirks looking at him, "someone got laid..." Steve looks at him chuckling shaking his head.

"I did not get laid..." Steve says trying to sound innocent.

"Yeah sure whatever buddy, that's why your acting laid back, you've got a huge smile on your face and your whole body expression shouts 'I've just been laid!'" Sam laughs, "and Natasha was wearing your jumper... and she clearly had sex hair. I have all the evidence I can keep talking."

"Yeah please don't." Steve says laughing, "I wasn't getting laid..."

"So what your crush seduced you into bed, you both took of all your clothes and then what? Fucking played hand clapping games like patty cake?!" Sam states causing Steve to cough uncontrollably.

"First of all" He coughs again, Steve as trying to regain any dignity he had left. "We were not playing patty cake, second of all, she's not my crush she's my girlfriend." He says casual however he can't contain the grin on his face.

Sam does a double take looking back at him. "girlfriend?! AHHH Romanogers is real!" Sam sequels fangirling.

"Wait what's a Romanogers?" Steve asks really confused.

"It's you and Natasha's last names mixed. It's your ship name, me and Yelena thought out it." He says proudly at his and Yelena's invention.

"Alright enough of me and Natasha." He smiles and turns up the radio.

- - - - - - - - - -

Yelena was looking through Natasha's draw, looking for a spare bikini. When she stopped and paused, "Sis..." Before Yelena can say more, Natasha stops her.

"Stop, I already know what it is, be careful it's loaded," Natasha takes the gun off Yelena. "The gun is there just in case." Yelena frowns sadly, feeling bad at how paranoid Natasha had become over the years.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't snoop." Yelena frowns.

Natasha pats Yelena's shoulder, "it's okay, here." She grabs a dark green bikini from her clothing draws.

Yelena takes the bikini off her, "thanks," she tries to show her a friendly smile to comfort her. She decides to change the subject. "So... you and Rogers had fun last night..." she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Did you really hear?" Natasha says her face going red.

"Sadly. Yes." Yelena said, "it's okay though I stuck my earphones in tried to listen to heavy metal to try and block it out." Yelena says honestly laughing, so does Natasha.

"Sorry about that... I generally didn't think that's how the night would end." She says honestly.

"Wait.." Yelena looked at her, "did you regret it?" She asks confused to what Natasha meant by 'didn't think that's how the night would end'

"No no! Not like that, god I wouldn't take last night back at all. I meant one minute my ex husband has a gun to my sisters head while next..." she sucks in a deep breath thinking about her and Steves night.

"Whoa whoa don't think about that while I'm in the room!" Yelena pretends to gag.

"I'm sorry but he's a whole new man in that room.." Natasha smirks knowing Yelena was like a child and anything inappropriate made her uncomfortable.

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