Part 18 - Darkness

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Author note: (Important!) Brock has the faceclaim of the punisher! Jon Bernthal. And thank you so much for 5k!!! When I found out I did a little stupid dance around my room! 😂 We only just hit 4K last Tuesday. Thank you all so much! I really enjoy writing this and I LOVE reading your funny and heartfelt comments they make my day ❤️ lots of love stay safe stay awesome my Romanogers and enjoy Chapter 18 :) ❤️

Also! There is some spoken bits in Russian in this chapter! I'm going to apologise now in advance, I used google translate and I'm not sure if it's accurate in any way. I'm not Russian and barely know any words in Russian, and I don't want to offend anyone in anyway. So I'm sorry for that 😅❤️
There will be translations into English in brackets so you all can understand what's being said.

Thank you ❤️

It was after school now, Natasha waited in her classroom for Steve & Sam. She had a lot on her mind, but she tried to push it away. Knowing she could watch some films with her sister and friends.

Steve as the first one to walk through her classroom door. Sam must of been busy.

"Hey Nat you okay? With everything from lunch?" Steve instantly questions, seeking desperately to see if she was okay.

Natasha nods, "I'll be okay Steve, it's just some past family issues." She looks down, she knows if she makes eye contact with him she'll break.

"Nat..." He speaks softly getting closer to her she was standing next to her whiteboard, she was wiping off some of the work she had showed her last class. Steve doesn't get an answer from her. So he takes matters into his own hands.

Carefully, he sits down in her chair and pulls her towards him. Natasha looks at him with a slightly puzzled look, a small tear in her eye. Steve pulls her gently again so she's sitting in his lap. Natasha nuzzles into the crook of Steve neck feeding off his body warmth.

"Tell me what's wrong Nat..." Steve says softly, one of his hands is placed in the small of her back, protectively.

Natasha sighs deeply, breathing in his scent which made her feel safe and calm. She pulls away from his neck, "My parents.. and someone else are looking for me..." she finally admits, she felt as if a large pressured weigh of secrecy had been removed from her fragile shoulders.

Steve looks at her softly, noticing the fear in her eyes. Someone else. It made Steve confused. He tilts his head, "someone else?" He asks, not wanting to pressure her but only wanting to help her at all cost.

Natasha feels her body freeze up, "y-yes" she stutters. "I can't tell you because you will be put in danger, and you probably won't look at me the same-"

"Shh Nat. I will always see you as my favourite red head." He says softly trying to reassure her.

"The other person is a man name Brock. He was my ex-husband..." she takes a shaky breath, her nerves building up. "He wasn't a very nice man and-"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too." Steve says before she could say anymore, knowing she might not be ready to open that wound.

"Thank you. For understanding. I'm far from ready to talk about it." She winces, "it's the reason I'm moving from one place to another constantly."

"Please don't ever leave..." Steve blurts out.

"I- I don't know I can promise that..." Natasha admits honestly, causing Steve to feel his heart drop.

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