Part 4 - Dance with me!

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"Coffee for you." He hands the burning hot coffee to Natasha.

Natasha, takes a sip. Smiling, "thank you." She slowly blows her lips against the hot coffee lid in an attempt to cool it down.

They sit together, chatting and a hour goes by. Steve sighs looking at the time, eager for the time to never end. Looking down at his watch, he frowns.

"You want to come to the bar down the street for a few drinks. My friend Bucky works there." He smiles at Natasha hoping she'll say yes, he really liked her company.

Natasha, shrugs and smiles "sure why not! Just to let you know I'm Russian. I can take my liquor quite well." She teases with a playful smirk. Which causes Steves heart to skip a beat.

They both get up grabbing there coats and head out the coffee shop and down the street. Walking into the bar, it had a friendly welcoming atmosphere that made you feel comfortable and some what warm.

"Steve!" A man with longish black hair waved from behind the bar. He climbs over the bar and pulls Steve into a big bro hug. "You never come here anymore!" He jokingly hits Steves shoulder, in a fake aggressive manor. He then looks beside Steve to see Natasha.

"Well, well, who is this beautiful lady?" He goes to kiss her hand. Which results in a awkward expression from Natasha, after he kisses her hand she pulls her hand away from him. Trying to clearly hint she's not interested.

"So, is this your girlfriend Steve?" He asks generally assuming that was the case. Steve shakes his head.

"Umm no, she's one of the new members at the school." He scratches the back of his own head, as his face burns up slightly from Bucky referring Natasha as his girlfriend. He kinda wished it was true though.

Bucky nods deciding not to tease him further and welcomes them into the bar.

After a while they order some drinks, and Bucky comes out and serves them. Natasha ordered a glass of strong red wine while Steve bought a beer.

They discussed whatever came to their minds and had a few more drinks. Which left them alittle tipsy and buzzed up.

Natasha having more confidence raising through her body after a few drinks. "Steve, let's dance!" She grabs his hand and tries pulling him to the dance floor.

"I-I'm not really a dancer. I've never really danced before.." He says shyly pleading for her to stop asking, he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of her.

"Pleaseeeee!" She complains, using all her strength to try and pull him to the dance floor again.

"I'll dance with you Natasha."

Steve turns around quickly at the sound of Bucky offering Natasha for a dance. He becomes overwhelmed with jealous and glares at Bucky. He gives in to Natasha's request and goes with her to the dance floor.

Consdiently, soft, slow music starts.

Natasha, wraps his arms around Steve's neck gently. Steve hesitatingly puts his hands on her waist as they dance slowly.

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