30; Just Us

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Thor found the room set aside for them, his pink lips spreading into a large grin. The beds in the old tower were twinsized. Thor and Bruce had to push their small beds together in order to fit and still one of them always ended up on the floor. Now he and Hulk could sleep peacefully without a worry in the world. He looked around at the rest of the room, the walls were a light mocha and ancient Norse runes hang around them. He smiled to himself, going to the large tapestry in front of their bed, tracing the tree of life with a shaky breath.

The sky lit up at his change in mood; Thor had been so exhausted and now there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The side of the bed Bruce always slept in had extra pillows and it was covered in house plants. Bruce loved his plants. He smiled at the small carpet gasping a little when he saw what it was. He got to his knees and took the knitted fabric in his hands with a shaky breath. Loki had made it when they were kids with their mother. He always hated how well his brother was at making things, it seemed anytime Thor tried to sew or paint it ended as a complete mess.

He didn't hear Bruce slip in and slowly drop their stuff on the hardwood floor. It was all so well thought out, perfectly matching him and Bruce. Even little specks of Hulk were spilled into the neat room. The god stood up and turned to look at his eros.

" I didn't expect all this," Thor admitted, going to Bruce and taking him into his arms. He held his boyfriend close to his chest, kissing his soft brown hair.

" Tony always outdoes himself somehow." Banner chuckled as he pressed his face into his neck. A breath of relief left his lips and he smiled wide. " We'll finally be able to get a good night's rest."

Thor slowly pushed his love onto the bed, crawling over his body to kiss all over his skin with a large smile. Bruce erupted in quiet giggles under him. Little squeals spilled from his lips while Thor dove down to connect their lips into a loving kiss.

Things might be good here..

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" Wake up love birds, It's dinner time!" Sam cooed to the two and tossed a pillow at them with a huff. He couldn't believe Tony made him wake the two up. Bruce really didn't like being woken up, poking him while he slept was the reason why the tower had so many holes in it.

Thor sat up a little, wiping his tears with a long stretch. Softly he rubbed Bruce's chest and shook him awake. The way his long lashes fluttered open and his brown irises looked under this light had his breath hitching. He didn't want to wake him up..

Bruce let out a little groan, slowly pulling himself up. His gaze met Thor's and he shook his head. His boyfriend was a mess, he didn't know how to hide the way he felt about Bruce. The long loving glances that had been there all along, the way they caused butterflies to swarm in his stomach every time. 

" Alright, well I'm gonna leave you two alone before you start some kind of mating ritual." Sam cleared his throat, pointing behind him. " The kitchen is on the third floor. We're having tacos."

" Thanks Sam, we'll be there in a minute." Bruce could feel his cheeks heating up as Thor pressed his body even closer. He couldn't help but smile, running his fingers through his long blonde hair. " What are you doing? Aren't you hungry?"

" Yeah, I just.." Thor pulled away to look into his eyes while he spoke, a smile permanent on his lips. " I just wanted to say I'm happy that I have you. I never thought in a million years that I would be able to hold you like this."

" You what?" Bruce gazed up at him with a little disbelief. He shook his head and found his hands cupping Thor's cheeks. " Look at me and listen," Bruce demanded. " I have always loved you. I don't care what would or could have happened along the way, I know, I know I was meant to be with you."

Thor was a little speechless. Bruce didn't believe in fate, he didn't believe in magic, and he very much didn't believe in what he didn't understand. Hearing his love say that had caused a chill to roll down his spine, and his heart to speed up. The way that Bruce was looking at him said he meant it. No take backs.

" Bruce Banner?" He whispered, leaning forward to press his forehead against his. Stormy blue eyes stared into warm brown orbs and he smiled. He couldn't help but smile. " I am in love with you.."

" I love you too!" His voice was excited and 'I told you so' all at once. " That's what I've been trying to tell you! I don't care where we are I'm just happy I have you.."

After a moment of basking in each other's presence, Thor finally pulled away and offered his hand to Bruce. Bruce took it without hesitation and guided him toward the kitchen. They might get a little lost in the huge building but, they were together right?

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// I guess this might be the end of my hiatus my dudes

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