62; Unstoppable Force

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Tony sat across from the two and a small frown fell on his lips; he had called in a couple of favors he had and the media started flooding in. He looked at Thor very carefully and a small sigh left his lips.

" Are you sure you want to go through with this?" He muttered, a small frown inching over his lips. Stark wasn't sure if he was impressed or scared of what they were about to do. " This is a big step. It's career suicide."

" We have no choice," Bruce hummed. His head fell into his palm and his brow cocked.

" Neither did Peter, he can't do this alone. Have you seen the headlines?" Thor intervened.

His big blue eyes filled with tears; Peter meant everything to him. There wasn't a thing he wouldn't do for his nephew. Thor couldn't believe the prejudice either; on Asgard it didn't work like this. The government didn't poke around in who you loved where he was from, or what you identified as.

Now here Thor was on Midgard, watching his nephew being brutalized and ripped apart everywhere he looked because he was in love with a boy. There were so many things you could criticize Wade Wilson over. Thor even had a list.

The man smelled of death, his profesion was dangerous, he was unhinged and handsy. Wade wasn't bar, though. Especially not for Peter. Thor really enjoyed his company; he had grown on most of the Avengers. Most of the Avengers except for Tony Stark.

In just a couple of hours they would have to stand in front of people who held their future careers in their little hands. Wording alone on newspapers were enough to destroy past heroes. Heroes Thor had grown to love; Like Wanda Maximoff. No longer an Avenger. She was a strong, brilliant young woman with all the potential in the world until the media started to rip her apart. Thor hadn't seen that gorgeous glow in her eyes or the hint of smile either.

Because this was when everything started to fall apart for her, and what it it did that for him to? For the both of them. Bruce was an accomplished scientist outside of the Hulk, but Thor had nothing outside of Thor, God of Thunder and saver of worlds. He found himself squeezing onto Bruce's hand tight as he attempted to calm himself down.

Thor didn't know what had gotten into him; he was always positive. Always. Maybe it was because he had more to lose now..

" It's going to be okay baby," Bruce promised.

" I just.."

Thor sighed quietly. He knew they had to do this before that video went up. They would receive more backlash for their relationship being leaked then them coming out about it themselves; because hiding a marriage from the media wasn't very honest, was it?

That was the worst part. Thor and Bruce didn't take as many precautions as Tony and Steve had; they hadn't made any at all. They had both agreed it was stupid to have to come out at all. Thor had posted wedding photos to his Instagram, but everyone took it as a joke. Their marriage was a joke to the people on Midgard. Thor listened to his husband speak to Stark while his mind spiraled out of control.

It had to have been an eternity before they stood in front of the press; and a lifetime by the time they finished. Bruce did most of the talking. He was kind, articulate and patient.

Thor remembered having to speak in front of Asgard as a prince. Even in front of the royal court he found himself getting a little nauseous. Usually he could push through, make a good impression and grin at the people in front of him. Not this time. These were the people that were going to put their future in a meat grinder and feed it to the world serpent, never to be seen again.

Don't get him wrong; this was absolutely a need. Peter couldn't go in alone, they didn't have much choice in the matter at hand.

The questions were tame at first, cute things. Like who was the big spoon, and if their honeymoon was nice. Thor answered a couple happily and some of his anxieties started to melt away. That was until now. They had thirty minutes left of their conference and both Bruce and Thor had their guard down now.

" This question is for Bruce," a small woman cooed from her seat. Her gaze slipped up to meet the newly weds and she frowned. "You said you wanted three kids, is that correct?"

" Yes, Thor wants a litter." Bruce teased a little. His smile had faded slightly and his hand moved up to touch Thor's forearm.

" How do you expect to take care of anyone else?"

" Pardon?" His brows furrowed and he could see Thor puff out his chest.

" Even when you're saving New York, it seems that all you can do is punch through your problems. How are we supposed to support your 'litter' as you called it, when you and your husband are inherently violent?"

Thor growled low under his breath, and his fingers stretched slightly. Ready to receive Mjolnir, but Bruce stopped him by gripping his hand tight. They looked at each other for a long time before he answered.

" Thor and I aren't the people you see on T.V., and we aren't what you see trying to save our world." Bruce didn't bother putting on a smile, and continued. "As for Hulk; we have done a lot of training to make him much more calm and receptive to other humans."

He eyes the blonde woman closely, the way her lips curled into a devious smile and how her posture straightened ever so slightly. Bruce flinched when the rest of the press started yelling, screaming their questions. All from that one and everything started to evaporate. The hope that they had mustered evaporated into the tight air. What were they going to do? Say?

Thor and Bruce tried to stick it out and clear the air, but as always, Tony stepped in to save the day. He hummed a couple of words and dragged his friends out of the door as fast as they could. Bruce tried not to cry, his heart was racing and his palms were sweaty. Thor kept a tight grip on his hand and held his breath. His whole body ached with worry.

It was gonna be a tough week.

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