38; It Hurts.

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Bruce looked so peaceful now. His much smaller body laid over Thor's as he slept, looking oh so peaceful. Banner had been listening to the god's heartbeat when he dozed off. Thor couldn't help but stare at this beautiful man.

He found his hands slipping down his body to rub little circles into his back. Ocean blue eyes watched him take in even breaths. They had stayed like this all day. The world was going dark now. The sun sank deeper into the sky, making room for the moon to cast a white glow over a black night.

It was peaceful like this. Nice to have Bruce finally sleeping again, and looking gorgeous as he did so.

Thor ignored the drool on his chest, and focused on the hand that had groped his. The head that laid against his chest and listened to every even beat.

Bump bump.. Bump bump.. Bump bump..

That's what Bruce had said it sounded like, mimicking the soft noise and tapping quietly to the beat of his heart. Part of him felt like he needed this every day. A calm and quiet life with his silly scientist. Thor could see it now.

A quiet cabin in the woods with a clearing in the trees that let them watch the sun set and rise. Quiet and calm and away from the world. Thor could build it with his own hands and hed leave two rooms for their children to grow in.

Children that they weren't sure they could ever have. Their world was to crazy, too unsafe. If they had stolen Bruce they'd find the little gems Thor dreamed about.

He couldn't help but think Bruce, and Hulk, would make an amazing father. They'd adopt. Maybe they'd have two boys like him and Loki.

This time it would go well. He could do better then Odin ever dreamt of doing. He wouldn't play favorites. Thor wouldn't cast out one because of differences he couldn't control, or favor one for being just like him.

Maybe they could have a daughter too. A daughter like Hela. Strong and powerful, looking for guidance but fighting for her own independence. If he hadn't been so headstrong maybe he could have had a sister..


That word it kept coming to him and killing every thought, every little dream like poison. Poison oozing from the sharp fangs of a snake, digging it's teeth into every happy idea and making it rotten inside.

Maybe was always the thing that killed something beautiful.

Maybe meant it might not happen.

It wouldn't. Thor knew that. They couldn't, so they wouldn't but maybe.

Maybe what?

He found himself asking that over and over again.

Maybe what?

Maybe something would change.

Maybe Bruce would change his mind.

And then what?

Rain spilled into the air, and not a single cloud had appeared to warrant it. Thor's angry sigh sent a large strike of lightning into the night sky. Powerful and filled with spite it struck down on the earth.

It stabbed through the nearby forest. It sent a rumble down the trees and they sighed before they fell to the ground.

Thor hadn't realized how heavy he was breathing. He didn't know how that his hand was squeezing into a fist that made his knuckles white and forced his nails to burrow into the skin on his palm. No. Not until he felt that hand cup his cheeks and loving eyes to meet his.

𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑 & 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐄 : 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘Where stories live. Discover now