18; nowhere

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🌊; Thor's eyes pierced Bruce's skin as the doctor woke up, the sun's rays warming his flesh. The God smiled at his lover, he had been waiting for the man to wake. Bruce turned in his arms to face the large man, laying his head over the large chest. A distant sound of waves crashing together was heard this bright morning, subtly reminding them it hadn't been a dream.

" Thor?" The scientist hummed, fingertips tracing invisible shapes on his lovers broad chest.

" Bruce." The God answered, cupping the man's cheeks. Gently coaxing his chin to push upwards, for their eyes to meet.

" I want to be nowhere with you..forever.." Bruce hummed, leaning into the palm pressed lovingly against his soft cheeks.

" I want to be nowhere with you forever, too."

A giggle escaped the smaller male, hoping, praying to Odin that this meant they could stay longer. He crawled onto his lap, leaning up to press a soft kiss against Thor's temple. Large arms snaked around his body, pulling him closer. Bruce met the man's pink lips; the kiss they shared was short and sweet. They were in heaven.

" Do you want to explore after breakfast?" The scientist hummed, propping his elbows up on the male's chest. " The island."

" That's a tough one," The blond teased, pressing his forehead lovingly against his Eros. " What's for breakfast?"

" I was thinking about going to the restaurant we saw when we first came in?"

" I'm in."

" Lets get some clothes on then," Bruce giggled, watching the way his love jolted up excitedly.

" Can we walk on the beach when we get home?"

" Of course!"

They sat down on a small, two person booth. They sat face to face, rather then side by side, so they could have a nice conversation. Thor was staring down at the scientist like he was watching Michelangelo sculpt David, and Bruce, completely oblivious, scanned the menu.

Thor slipped a large hand under the table, rubbing his thigh. The doctor slowly looked up, cheeks turning a harsh Crimson. The blonde smiled back happily, love in aquatic irises. The sunlight sparkled over Bruce like a spotlight, warm rays poking violently through the window. Nothing could touch them here, they were together on one of the prettiest places earth had to offer. Nobody to hide from. Nothing to worry about.

" Eros?" Thor spoke softly, a harsh Norse accent slipping from pink lips.

Bruce's eyes quickly bounced up at him, reading his soft expression. Crystal eyes sparkled in the sweetest way, head cocking to the side.

" Yes, Thor?"

" You look..beautiful, you know that? Vacation looks good on you dear."

Bruce giggled, they were acting like an old married couple. The scientist, for once after his lab accident, felt at peace. He wasn't on edge, the hulk nowhere close to crawling from out of the depths of the prison Bruce locked him in.

He watched a flash of lightning roll through the air, big brown eyes meeting the pretty blue sky. The scientist looked at his love, eyebrow cocked at the sudden change in weather. Thor only smiled, ignoring his lost grasp on his power. It was only a split second, there was nothing to be worried about.

Bruce leaned into Thor's touch as his arms looped around his waist. He sank his head down to capture the smallers lips in a loving kiss. Now that the God had him, he didn't think he could keep his hands off him. Thor was always holding onto a hand, or kissing a cheek. It was always something. Bruce loved the attention, attention that he'd craved from the warrior since before they had gotten together.

When they parted, there was a soft pant leaving their lips. Thor stood proud, a grin on his face. He pressed a kiss against the male's forehead, chin eventually resting on his head.

They stood there like that for a long time. Thor didn't speak, they didn't move away. The chaos jolting through the blonde's vains had settled, a constant rumbling in his stomach stopping at every simple touch. Bruce was a safe place. Always a safe place.

" Don't leave me," Thor choked out. He didn't realize he had been crying till now. The tears were warm on his cheeks, rolling into his well tamed beard. " Please.."

" I'm in love with you. Why would I do that?" He calmed the friendly giant. Bruce reassured him lovingly, fingers pushing through his chaotic lion's mane. " stop it baby, I'm the one that's constantly questioning my worthiness..you're already worthy."

" I love you.."

" I love you more."

//Yay I'm updating again!! It was short, nothing happened. I need ideas, what would you like to see in this book?

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