Chapter Eight: Feeling Good

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A/N: don't forget to stream #HowYouLikeThat JENNIE Concept Teaser Video and the other members on YouTube. Thanks 😘


Jennie awoke at the crack of dawn, regardless of a piddling four hours of sleep. She felt like a kid on Christmas morning, excited to start the day.

She sang 'Falling In Love' in the shower and couldn't stop from jigging while brushing her teeth. She took a few extra moments to run some smoothing product through her wavy hair.

Screw it, a little lipstick and mascara never hurt anyone.

She felt good, and the desire to look good had returned for the first time in a long time.

She bounced around the kitchen, deciding to treat Jiyong and Chaerin to pancakes. Her parents eventually dragged themselves out of bed and down the hall when the clanging of pans become too much.

They were greeted by 'I Am The Best' with a side of pancakes and fresh fruit, having a silent conversation amongst themselves conveyed only through facial expressions and shrugs. Jennie was oblivious.

As she really brought it home in the chorus, jazz hands and all, Jiyong had had enough.

"Jennie!" he had to belt it out to be heard over the slightly-flat vibrato that was handing over his orange juice.

Jennie stopped short, wondering what could have possibly merited the interruption of her show-stopping number.

Jiyong looked defeated. He didn't want to have this conversation, but his daughter's giddy mood needed to be acknowledged. He sighed before beginning again.

"You came in late."

Jennie waited. Did he have a point?

When her father looked at her, eyebrows raised as if he had already said it all, she reacted.

"Umm yeah, I suppose so."

"You were with Jisoo." It wasn't a question.

Her defensive capabilities kicked into overdrive. "Is there a problem? Am I grounded?"

Her entire demeanor shifted from happy-go-lucky star to pouting, arms-crossed teenager standing her ground.

She knew Jiyong had a problem with her and Jisoo being... being what?... whatever they were, but she hadn't really expected a confrontation.

Jiyong's face relaxed as he watched Jennie back away from the breakfast table.

"Sweetie, it's just that you've been hurt and maybe a someone new isn't the way to heal those wounds."

"Oh, please."

"Jisoo's just... well... I don't know if you know about..."

Jennie jumped all over it. "I know everything." Her eyes were wide and she felt her nostrils flaring. She turned to rifle through the fridge to conceal her flushed face.

Chaerin interjected softly. "It's just such a messy mess," she smiled innocently. "Did you know that wife of her..."

"Yes Mom!" Jennie turned swiftly, hands in the air to shush her parents. "I know you know all about it thanks to those trash mags. Oh and thanks for warning me about that by the way!"

She picked up her beach bag and headed out the front door, bounding down the porch steps.

She called out over her shoulder as she fled. "And for the record, Jisoo told me all about it herself! So I got it from the horse's mouth. A better source than mags, don't ya think?"

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