Chapter Twenty-Six: Supportive Friends

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Jennie was happy to have friends at her side while she pretended to be feeling great. Si-hyeon and Joy watched the potato sac race and Jennie laughed along with them, but her stomach did summersaults as the time edged nearer to the water sports events. She felt incredibly idiotic and petty for putting so much importance on a race that was normally full of friends and happy faces and a plastic trophy at the end.

There was a sudden outburst from the crowd over in the tented stage area. Their voices became louder, and Jennie could hear the furious snapping of camera lenses and inane questions from the reporters. Her heart leaped into her throat and she shut her eyes tight.

The singing of the fans grew to an excited, indecipherable blending of voices.

"Soojoo!" they shouted, almost clambering over each other to escape the barricade that kept them out of the event, not being residents of the area or guests thereof.

Jennie had to look. The party guests had an array of reactions to the newest arrival sent to overshadow the spirit of the entire day. Some looked at each other and rolled their eyes, pointed and showed genuine excitement at this celebrity sighting.

Behind her. Jennie overheard two women whispering.

"I can't believe she has the nerve to come here. Five years married to Kim Jisoo and she has never attended a single event."

"I know. She used to complain to the Board about everything. Every boat was too loud, kids making too much noise across the way from her, oh and did you hear about the time she asked to have something done about the ducks?"


Jennie chuckled. And then a jolt of anger rippled through her body. What did Jisoo ever see in this entitled prima donna?

A conversation was taking place ahead of her between what seemed to be a husband and wife.

"I think she's beautiful," said the man. "A little too much work done, but still stunning."

"And that voice. She is so talented," the woman added.


Trying to keep her head down, Jennie slowly filtered through the crowd under the tent until she saw Kim Soojoo, stepping smoothly out of a limo and waving at her t-shirt clad, singing fans off to the side. They lost their minds at the sight of their idols.

Soojoo was dressed in a sparkly white summer dress that flowed down to her ankles, where she sported huge thick wedge sandals. Jennie wondered how she maintained any semblance of balance or grace in those things.

And then the chatter of the crowd hit a crescendo. Behind Soojoo emerged Kim Hanbin from the limo.

Jennie rolled her eyes so dramatically it almost hurt.

They belong together, Cheaty McCheats-a-lot and Mr. Brainless-Action-Flick.

She'd seen him walk away from explosions without turning back too many times to count.

And yet she couldn't recall the plot of a single one of his films.

"Oh shit!" she heard from Si-hyeon who was coming up behind her in the crowd. "He is friggin' awesome!"

Although she had a growing soft-spot for Si-hyeon, she couldn't help but think that Si-hyeon was Kim Hanbin target demographic, aside from aging housewives looking for eye-candy at the theater.

Hanbin wrapped his arms around Soojoo and kissed her cheek roughly, making an emphatic muah sound as he smacked his lips. Half the fan section went wild. The other half booed. Jennie grinned devilishly.

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