Chapter Two: Body Ogling

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Jiyong and Chaerin Kim, still quite fit for two fifty-somethings, hauled the last box into the freight elevator and waited.

Jennie gave them a dismissive wave. She would be down in a minute.

Taehyung stood in the center of the almost empty apartment with his hands in his pockets.

"I can't believe how fast you did that," he said.

Jennie and her parents had packed up her belongings in three hours and filled the van waiting in the loading dock. After a nasty no-holds-barred conversation the night before, jennie had decided she had wasted enough time.

The very next day the service elevator was booked and her name was off the lease.

"Yeah well, just wanted to get it over with." Jennie avoided his eyes as she fumbled with her key ring.

Pulling the building access fob and key free, she held them out in her palm.

Taehyung shuffled forward and took them hesitantly.

"Okay, so that's it then?"


Jennie didn't want him to see her cry. She wanted his last image of her to be totally together and determined.

Deciding to omit the actual word goodbye, she turned and headed out the door. She entered the elevator, her face flushing and eyes burning.

Suddenly Taehyung appeared and thrust his foot between the closing doors.

"Bye," he said with the sober, detached face.

Jennie had come to know oh so well over the last two years.

Without another word passing between them, the doors slid closed.

The dam broke and Jennie cried all the way down to the main floor.


After having a low moment in her room at the back of the cottage, accompanied by a bit of a cry that she wasn't proud of, Jennie decided to wipe all thoughts of her breakup from her mind and pick herself up again .

She was anxious for the day when she wouldn't have to make a conscious effort to feel normal.

She wasn't there to mope. She was there to relax and enjoy.

She heaved a heavy sigh into the mirror, wiping her eyes and breathing deeply until a healthier color returned to her cheeks.

She'd never been overly insecure about her looks, but she knew she'd given up a little lately, during her mope-fest.

The passionless debacle with Taehyung had given Jennie doubts about her ability to inspire lust, but all in all she'd always thought herself a pretty girl.

Her cat-eyes were a beautiful black, and she'd received enough compliments in her lifetime to really believe them. Her hair was a shoulder length natural dark that curled into ringlets on humid days and waved gently on cold ones.

Girls with pin-straight hair always expressed their jealousy.

With a grunt, she decided she looked fine for country living. Hopefully no one would notice her slightly pink nose and puffy eyes.

Jennie headed back outside, this time dressed in her red bathing suit and silky black cover up. She was going to make this tan thing happen, dammit.

She slinked slowly to the boathouse, hoping not to run into her parents, or Jisoo. The last thing she wanted was to socialize.

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