Chapter Twenty-Four: Supportive Father

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After three days blockaded onto the property by reporters, Jennie needed to see a face other than Jiyong and Chaerin. She pulled her canoe up to the dock of the boat rental place and took a moment before getting out.

Several big trucks were parked off in the distance on the long laneway that connected it to the main road, and one truck was even pulled right onto the large expanse of grass that served as a sometimes volleyball court, potato sack race course, bocce ball or croquet area, or whatever activities were being organized by the locals to socialize and keep busy.

Out of the back of the truck came large metal poles and rolls of canvas that were being arranged on the lawn by a crew of workers. One of them seemed to notice her, and proceeded to elbow his co-worker and nod his head in her direction. They both gave her a thumbs up.

Oh boy. This is officially out of control.

Jennie made her way into the small rec center where she found Joy, eyes sparkling upon her arrival.

"Oh. My. God." She announced, waving Jennie over to the counter she stood behind. "Get your ass over here and tell me everything."

Jennie laughed and approached Joy who was leaning eagerly over the counter. "Something tells me you already know everything, Ms. Gossip."

Joy snorted. "Fair enough, but how are you dealing with all this?"

She stood upright, extending her long slim body, and put her hands on her hips as she awaited an answer. Her shirt proudly stated Team Jennie.

Jennie dropped her face into her hands in humiliation. "I don't even wanna know where you got that." Her voice was muffled by her hands as they rubbed her eyes and temples.

"Right over there," said Joy, motioning to the back wall.

Jennie's eyes darted to the back of the store and she almost gagged at the sight of the shelves stacked with Team Jennie and Team Soojoo t-shirts.

"You should know that Kim Soojoo is pocketing all the money from the sales of those things,"

"Ick!" Joy cried, ripping the shirt over her head and tossing it into a corner. She stood in her flimsy tank top smiling and looking proud.

"Better," said Jennie. "So tell me. Does everyone around here hate my guts?"

"Nooo!" drawled Joy. "Why would they?"

"Because I've turned the Regatta into a media circus focusing only on two women."

Joy ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "You've got it all wrong, Jen. The Board is secretly thrilled. So thrilled, in fact, that they've boosted the budget for the whole event, seeing that it'll now be entirely televised. We now have caterers instead of some local manning barbecue. We've got a real sound system, a stage, a big canopy, I could go on. The entire town is in the spotlight and it'll do wonders for tourism. Not to mention you're winning the online vote by a landslide. It's in the bag."

"Still," Jennie said. "I feel like I'm stealing the thunder. And that's the last thing I want."

"Absolutely not."

Jennie couldn't help but smile at her biggest cheerleader throughout all these antics.

"But there's something you should know."

Jennie gulped. "Go for it."

Joy's expression had turned ominous. "Kim Soojoo was in here the other day with her TV crew."

"Ugh. Yeah, I had my own unfortunate encounter.

Joy chuckled. "Yeah, I saw. Anyways she came in asking about the Regatta and asked to see the events sign-up list."

"And?" Oh shit.

"Well," Joy went on nervously. "She skimmed through the list and, that bitch, she signed up for the pairs canoe race and the individual swim."

"Both of my events." Jennie heaved a great sigh. "Figures."

"But don't worry!" Joy turned her perkiness back on. "You'll beat her.

"I don't know about that. I don't have personal trainers at my disposal."

"Well you better beat her." Joy crossed her arms firmly. "Or Team Jennie will be disappointed."

Jennie couldn't help but laugh. "I'll try not to let down my fans."

As she said her goodbyes and walked along the grass towards the water, she couldn't help but picture Jisoo, standing on the shore and cheering her on as she swam for her life against the evil ex-wife.

Not gonna happen.

The press boats snapped her photograph as she pulled into the boathouse and she smiled and waved. Like a good little celebrity. But the facade broke as she stood alone inside the garage, dreading the next twenty-four hours.


"Yes, absolutely," Jisoo said into the phone as she paced at the hotel room, this time a purposeful pacing rather than an idle depressed pacing.

"We're doing everything we can," came the voice on the other end.

"Good," replied Jisoo. "And you have the address of the bed and breakfast? I'll need everything shipped overnight. I need it in the morning."

"You'll have it, Jisoo." The voice was calm and confident.

"It's just that this," Jisoo's voice wavered. "this has to be good. Really good."

"We're doing all we can. And for what it's worth, we're all very excited. It's a great idea."


She hung up the phone, her heart pounding in her chest. Take it easy.

Jisoo girl. It'll work.

She took a long, hot shower and had to fight off thoughts of Jennie Kim emerging from the lake, swathed in moonlight, in her bra and panties. Jisoo's sadistic subconscious threw in images of Taehyung's hands all over her, but Jisoo shook her head and banished the thought.

As she brushes her hair, wears her white shirt puts her jacket on and ripped jeans she feels rejuvenated and confident.

This will work. Invisible woman, my ass.


"So, Dad, are you ready for the big canoe race? We're partners, remember."

"Of course." Jiyong said with a wide smile. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Jennie hesitated a moment. "You should know there will be cameras."

"Well," he replied, "at least I can redeem myself after the awful perm pictures."

Jennie hugged him hard and he almost dropped his barbecue tongs. He stroked her head with one hand and placed a gentle kiss in her hair.

"We'll crush her," he whispered, and Jennie grinned up at him. He was way ahead of her in the gossip department now.

That evening she did everything she could to calm her shaky hands. She played pool, threw some terrible darts, and even tried to pick up The Princess Bride again, but when she got to Wesley rescuing Buttercup in the castle she had to stop. Her own lover was as good as dead, and she felt sick at the thought that there would be Miracle Max to bring him back to her.

Jennie looked out over the moonlit lake and sighed. She was annoyed with herself as she played the part of the pining teenager, obsessing something she couldn't have. The next day would be tedious and unpleasant, and she'd have to plaster on a fake smile for most of it, while inside she was a defeated woman, no matter the outcome of the races or the vote.

Intermittent surges of angst coursed through her veins as she stared out over the water, her imagination inserting Jisoo in her rowboat into the scenery, or the two of them treading water, face to face, in the middle of the lake.

Just get through tomorrow, her inner monologue chanted.

Brave brave kitten.....

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