S2 E2 : 🔳 WL 🔳 (Ch. 141)

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Doc had already went to Murphy's side, accessing the damage done by the fury of a red-haired woman. Too bad he couldn't see the emotional damage.

Silently, she only glared at Murphy's face, wanting nothing more than to beat the shit out of him again when she could still hear (Y/N) cry into 10K's chest.

Without anymore left to do or say, Addy finally removed herself from the presence of the experimental human and climbed inside the stolen van.

"10K, rope." Doc said softly, knowing that there had already been too much volume of voice in the air.

"Come on, (Y/N)." 10K whispered, helping her stand on the bottom of her own feet.

She kept a hand over her breaking heart like she had just taken a bullet there. Sadly, the pain was only emotional and mental. Keeping one hand wrapped around her waist to ensure balance, 10K used his free appendage to grab the rope from his belt.

Quickly, Doc moved to wrap the rough fabric around--now confirmed--prisoner's wrists, then helped Murphy to his feet. The only thing Murphy could do was stare at (Y/N) as she cried silently into 10K's beating chest, not caring about the restraints.

Heartbreak filled the voids of her brain and her heart, sinking into the memories of Mack as she thought about the recently deceased. Nothing will be the same for her. Nothing will feel the same to her.

Not for a long time. She held onto 10K like he was her last life-line, and she had no intentions of leaving his side. Quietly, Murphy and Doc were the first ones to shuffle towards the back of the barely empty van.

Cassandra could read the emotions of her master--who was feeling deep regret and self-hatred--and the people around her--who all shared the same emotions: despair and anger.

Instead of challenging them when she saw the restraints wrapped around her Murphy, she silently obeyed 10K's head nudge towards the back of the van. At least she'd have Murphy back there with her.

Cassandra followed closely behind Doc and Murphy, wanting to please Murphy more than anything.

"Come on, let's go sit with Addy." 10K suggested as he and (Y/N) made their way behind Cassandra.

The safest thing for (Y/N) was to be on the road, getting as far away as here as she could. 10K knew this, but yet, he wanted her to be able to mourn this death. He wanted her to completely heal from Mack's absence.

But he knew her needs surpassed his wants. The two left from the previous scene just stared at each other, having mutual agreements in their telepathic conversation. He agreed to not take Murpy alone.

Not now. He understood that.

"Can't go west." He advised, looking ahead towards the setting sun, "Dust storm is kicking up all that fallout."

"Gotta outrun that cloud." He reminded her, knowing she knew just about as much as he did about their next move.

She agreed with him, nodding her head softly, "Yeah."

Stranger turned around on his heel, knowing when someone needed a moment to process what had just happened to them. It was a heartbreaking moment for all of them, except for him. He had been through it, though.

He had witnessed it. He had felt it just like (Y/N)'s feeling it. Warren stood in front of the van's grill with her hands on her wide hips, staring off into the dusty sunset ahead of them.

'Mack's dead. He left behind his kid sister that we're all going to finish raising. She put a gun to not only myself, but to 10K as well.' Warren tabbed off all the events that took place today, giving herself a moment to collect, 'She's never going to be the same after today.'

They all knew that; they all knew that (Y/N) and Addy were about to face the darkest moments of their life. It could either make them or break them; Warren hoped that it wouldn't do the later. She made them into soldiers, but even they fell some times.

"Damn." She muttered under her breath, knowing an even bigger challenge was ahead of them all.

When she said the curse word, she also relieved herself of any stress. It was a way to let go of the negative energy she felt all throughout the day.

Collecting the rest of herself, she turned around on her boots' heel and headed towards the vehicle that was about to lead them to new experiences and adventures. Her and Stranger held the front seats hostage while the rest were all seated in the back.

Whether that was a smart choice or not, they were about to find out along the way. Addy sat closest to the twin doors on the driver side with (Y/N) to her left. Of course, 10K sat on (Y/N)'s left with his arm wrapped around her shoulders while her head was buried in his collarbone.

Her cries had quieten down, but anyone could still hear the mini sobs that broke pass the barrier she was trying to build for herself. Addy had her head against the arm that 10K had wrapped around the only sister of Mack Thompson.

The red-haired beauty had her hands intertwined with (Y/N)'s, giving out a silent promise to never leave her side. Both lost someone that they loved deeply, at the same exact time.

They didn't have the mercy of not watching his death; instead they were now going to be tortured with the graphic images. They both felt the ball in the back of their throats forming as further thoughts of their love kept replaying.

Never before have they watched this many memories of Mack until today. Holes were making cozy spots in the voids of their broken hearts, reminding them that love hurts. Love hurts a lot and once it starts, it'll never be able to be soothed.

Love doesn't go away, not even if you ask nicely. Something will make you love again. On the passenger side of the van, Murphy was leaning his head against the locked door with a quiet mouth.

Doc sat on Murphy's right with Cassandra on his own right; all three silent as mice. Hearing her quiet sobs broke Murphy's already cold heart, but he couldn't bare to look at her face again. Not when such a pained expression was displayed.

A pained expression that could've been prevented if he would've just stayed with Warren and them. Murphy blames himself, but he'll be damned before he ever admitted that to anyone but Cassandra.

The atmosphere was tensed and dampened with sadness as the two--lover and sister--mourned in sync, squeezing each other's hands as a way to try and halt the dam behind their eyes, but it was a useless attempt.

Warren cranked the van with a heavy hand, shifting into drive. With an even heavier heart, she stepped on the gas to leave Cheyenne, Wyoming.

|| You're woven into my soul; I need to let you go ||

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