S.1 E.10 ~ GN (Ch. 61)

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BIG NEWS, BIG NEWS : I have the best readers, EVER! Thank you guys for the support, the comments, and the stars. They honestly mean A LOT. I never thought this story would even reach over 700. If you ever need to talk, I'm more than welcome to listen. It's the least I could do for getting me this far. <3

Thank you.


"You've confused me with someone who gives a damn, little girl." He snapped, glaring at my figure more than he has anyone else in this group.


"According to Wilbur, less than 40-hours. And we do give a damn. Now, are you gonna help us, or are you gonna sit here and let us all die?" Warren spoke nothing of the fact that we have the cure with us.

Homer was deep in thought until it finally hit him. He was going to die either way. Why not go down as a hero to a couple of strangers?

"Well, there's one thing we might be able to try. I'm gonna have to show you. We're gonna need weapons, equipment. Come on; load up."

Homer turned around and bent down under a tall pantry. When Homer came back up from being bent down, he had turned back around with a black duffle bag in his hands. The old man grunted as he tossed the bag onto the table.

Cassandra was the first to get in front of the bag and start digging around. The young woman began to take out cases of ammo for various weapons.

"It's not like I'm gonna be needing this stuff."

I let go of 10K's shirt, jumping on top of the dining room table, not caring if it was one of the rules in this man's house. He's been glaring at me this whole time anyway. Cassandra put the heavy bag on top of my thighs to have more room on the table I was sitting on.

Giving her a couple things to lighten the bag for myself, I began to dig through it while Murphy uncovered cases of alcoholic beverages. My hand was moving around until it felt the cool material of metal.

I took out whatever was in the bag, seeing the object to be silver brass knuckles with a small, skinny blade at the end of it. I took out the original knife that I've used for the apocalypse. It holds no emotional value.

"You're gonna cut yourself." Murphy snickered, taking a large swallow from the clear liquid.


"Really? I thought I'd use it for when you finally turn into a Z."

Anyway, why not something new? Grinning I tossed my old knife into the duffle bag, but shuffled around more until I felt something rough rub against my fingertips. Taking out this weapon, it was a long blade in a black holster.

This could come in handy. Maybe with this kind of blade I can get away without having to use a shotgun. I clipped the holster at my hip's belt loop. Perfect.

"Okay, lets go." Warren ordered, waiting at the front door of this place.

"Let's do this." Doc took a deep breath of air and released it as he followed behind Warren.

Ten minutes into the walk back to the reactor, Warren took a couple steps back away from the leading position she always held and handed me a radio.

"See what you can do with that. Addy had to teach you something."

Alright memory, let's see what you can remember. I nodded my head, testing out some of the given channels.

"Northern Light, come in."

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