S2 E1 : 🔹 TM 🔹 (Ch. 119)

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Just one singular day to breathe in and out without the worry of having the savior of the world right across from her; one mental day from the apocalypse. A pause of reality.

"Are you okay?" The depth of tone the voice carried was expected to come but not the question he asked.

(Y/N) shifted her feet to try and ground herself but the heels of her combat boots got caught onto something stiff and unmovable.

Not wanting to break any other object and glass in the already ruined vehicle or somehow damage her form worse, she lifted her head up and opened those bright (E/C) orbs of her's to inspect.

10K was hunched over due to the roof having been forcibly shrunk from the crash they were in. (Y/N)'s butt was on his lap while the other half of her body was laying on the unsafe flooring, right under a sharp edge of glass.

Her breathing hitched, but it wasn't from the glass digging against her backbone. It was because she figured out what her foot had been caught on.

Her short legs were spread apart on either side of 10K's head while the back of her boots were semi-stuck between his shoulder and the roof. With one good tug and him kindly bending down more, she was sure she could get out quickly.

'Shit. Shit.' (Y/N) and 10K unknowingly cursed together in thought as they studied the situation, all commentary gone from their voice.

Pink dust coated the pale features of the sharp shooter, but he had no reason to give if he were asked why the change of pigment. Yet, it was plain and simple for the people who dove into romantic novels.

This was an awkward position for the two teenagers; seeing as neither of them had been in this certain situation before. (Y/N) was the first to attempt clearing the blockage in her small throat.

She moved upward, the pressure paining her wrists and the palms of her hands that were being cut into. She now had the bottom of her calves on top of his bent knees; it wasn't any better but it sure as hell wasn't any worse than their original arrangement.

"I'm, uh, I'm okay."

The girl settled herself down from hyperventilating in this setting, feeling a sense of comfort in the sensation of feeling their two warm bodies touch. The (H/C) allowed herself to study him when everything fell into a comfortably quiet atmosphere.

What was there to do when the most beautiful creature you had ever seen was staring right back at you? Her reasoning for just sitting there and analysis him? He's a friend.

A friend's mental state and health issues are very important, and it's very sweet of a person to make sure they're alright. Especially when said friend is staring at you like they want to gift you with a kiss of passion.

No scratches adorned his unique features, but blood began to dry above his nose from where it had slammed against something hard. She also noticed some blood beginning to pour from his right and left nostril, falling into the dip above his top lip.

10K knew she was studying him like a frog in a chemistry lab and all the flaws that covered his skin, but he didn't have it in him to call her out on the actions. He had no reason to ridicule her, because then she could claim him as a hypocrite.

Hell, he didn't have it in him to halt his observing of her features and flaws. He wouldn't have called them flaws, or mistakes for that matter. No, to him, they were the prime example of a beautiful girl in the apocalypse.

The beauty was always going to be there; it was permanent. It was the fact that someone so beautiful, so stubborn, and so headstrong could still be alive and be right there in front of him with the same look of admiration displayed on her features that made her beautiful to him.

A slight cut was beginning to fade from where he had slit the skin with a bullet to her cheekbone. It was to save her life, he always told himself whenever the scrape was in his view.

Even the cut should've been a reason not to call her features flawless, but the beauty wasn't just in the texture of her skin. Beauty lived in the curve of her nose and the sharp edge of her jaw. Beauty lived in her soul whenever she gave him a smile from a corny joke she had said.

To him, it was like the scar defined her whole character. It told him that she could take shit better than half of the men he'd seen over his years.

His eyes caught onto the blood drying on her jaw from something breaking the skin in her ear or it could be a sign of a damaged eardrum from the explosion. He didn't know where the source came from, but he wished he could prevent any more pain she was in.

At the same time, ignoring the other's actions, they both began to make a move to cup the other's face with a single hand. For (Y/N), she caught his chin in the middle of her thumb and index finger.

Her thumb was used to graze the top of his lip, attempting to wipe off the still coming blood from the bottom of his nose. She tried her best to make him look a little more presentable to the world.

For 10K, his large right hand caught the left side of her neck, grasping the skin as gentle as he could. His thumb pressed against the skin of her cheek, sending a fire trail across her face as he took a go at wiping off what staining liquid he could.

"You're bleeding." They spoke in sync, catching the other off guard with their equal concern.

"Hey, you two! Everything alright?" Warren interrogated, noticing the wait Doc and her were doing.

|| A moment with you is a moment worth dying for ||

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