S2 E1 : 🔹 The Murphy 🔹 (Ch. 125)

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"Honestly, I thought you would've been better off without me!" 

Are you serious right now? I relieved pressure from 10K's forearms and ripped the scarf from off of my face, revealing my cuts from the crash and 10K's damage. 

A small piece of my left ear was missing--which wouldn't be an issue unless prom was next year--and a small, fading cut across my left cheek still marked my skin.

"Whatever is going to happen to me will happen, there isn't anything anyone can do but I would've preferred to go through all of it with my brother, my blood!"

My nails went directly back to 10K's dirty skin, digging in deeper than I had done a second ago. I don't mean to cause 10K any harm, but he won't let go for me to cause harm to someone else. It's not fair.

"Now, let's just breathe, (Y/N)." Doc spoke up as he stood on the side like a referee for the sibling war.

"You're seriously going to stand there and defend him?" I scoffed at Doc's choice of side, not bothering to hide the disgust or pain I felt for him doing that. 

Mack didn't just leave me; he left all of us.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, (Y/N). I knew you'd have better chances with Warren than with me at the time; I had your best interest at heart."

Mack kept his hands in front of him calmly as if to show he was more than willing to take a punch and the verbal attacks from me. Those dark blue orbs were wide with honesty and pleading, but I just wanted to kick his ass.

"You didn't mean to hurt me? You had my best interests at heart? You mean, you thought it'd be okay to leave for a whole freaking month and some days, then come back with open arms and a warm smile?"

I eased off of 10K's arms, feeling a twinge of sadness snap into my heart strings as I actually let the reality of the situation sink into my brain.

"I know this is going to be hard for you. I'm not ever going to leave again, I promise."

"You promised you'd never leave my side! You promised me I would always come first, Mack."

Day three into the apocalypse, he told me he'd never leave me alone with the monsters still running outside of the house we were cooped up in. Since I was little, he always promised me that he'd always put me first.

No matter the situation, no matter who is involved. I was to come first. 

Mack raked his dirty fingernails through his oily hair, getting frustrated with every word that left my mouth, "I knew Warren was what you needed, (Y/N). She's kept you safe this long."

"You are so fucking unbelievable!" I tried to go for Mack's kneecaps again, but 10K's grip only tightened around my waist.

By now, my legs were lifted off of the ground in kicks towards Mack while my hands were trying to grab any article of clothing of his that was near me. 

The man who was wrapped around me like an anaconda on it's prey, shuffled backwards as he brought my body closer to his so my movements would be even more restricted and away from my target.

"Because you left me Cassandra fuckin' died, and I had to go through it alone! Without my brother!"

Not a total lie; I did go through Cassandra's first death without my brother, but I wasn't fully alone. 10K stayed right beside me until I snapped out of it.

"Wait," Addison took a couple of steps to reach Doc's side, stepping into the conversation after all of this time, "Cassandra is dead?"

"Maybe? We don't know for sure. Last we saw of her, she had a huge bite on her cheek and fighting off military guys." Doc explained to her, short and sweet.

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