S.1 E.8 ~ Z (Ch. 49)

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There was only two openings: the small window--that only a midget or a baby could get in and out of--and the closed door. The door seemed to be stronger than the one before it, so I don't see the problem.

There was actually three ways to get out of this. Death. I don't think anyone wanted to die in a morgue, though. Convenient but not wanted.

"Well, where else are we suppose to go? Outside?" I questioned, standing beside a drowsy 10K as he leaned against the metal slab.

"Anywhere but here!"

His head swung right to left, wanting to truly be anywhere but here. I get that, I really do. I rather be at the movies, getting my heart played with a guy who claims to have eyes for only me instead of being locked inside a morgue with a highly unstable, uneasy man with a gun attached to his hands.

But, look where we are at. In this together.

"I wonder where they're all going." Doc wondered out loud, leaning against the small baby doors.

"Nowhere. They're zombies. Be glad they don't have a leader." The stranger scoffed, obviously getting tired of having to answer all of our questions himself.

We didn't ask him to take that responsibility.

"Now what?" Murphy asked the question the stranger has been wanting to know.

"We wait them out." Warren shrugged like this was any other Sunday.

Her arms were crossed over her prominent chest, leaning her back on the wall below the bantam window.

I could see all of the dead's feet shuffle outside the window they didn't know about as they all hunted for their next meal. One had a limp, another was missing pants or had on shorts, and one was missing a shoe.

"We can't just stay here and wait to die." The man argued like this was actually a debate on who to follow.

He definitely wants to do something that leads to him getting killed. Suddenly, there was a loud thump behind our doctor, making him jump in surprise.

"Did you hear that or was that just in my head?" Doc's shoulders tensed up when another thump came from behind him, answering his question.

"I hope it's rats." Cassandra sighed, tired of the apocalyptic bullshit.

Everyone is tired of it.

"I think it's coming from in there."

I pointed right behind Doc's back, who clearly didn't want to believe that I was saying a zombie was so close to him. When the stranger noticed it wasn't rats, he started to panic even more.

"Aw, damn. How's a guy suppose to relax with all of that going on?" Doc groaned, pushing himself off of the small department doors.

He turned his body to face the doors while his head turned to look at a droopy-eyed 10K.

"I'll open it. You pike it."

10K merely nodded, stumbling towards the door that Doc was referring to. Oh, no. This can't end too well.

"No, I'll do it. You're in no condition."

I put a hand on 10K's chest, gentle pushing his body back against the slab. Doc shrugged, getting on the left side and I got on the right.

"Don't open that drawer. Just leave it alone." The unidentified male tried to interfere with something that's going to attract even more Zs to us.

"Calm down." I mocked his words from earlier, "This ain't for everyone."

Just don't make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone, (Y/N). You need to stop after piking it one time. That's all it takes to kill a Z; one hit through the skull. The man glared at me, remembering his own warning from before.

I took out my six-inch blade knife from my belt loop, flipping the blade out while I gripped the handle. I raised the black knife above my head, ready to strike when it was called for.

"One. Two. Three."

Doc unlatched the cabinet door, swinging it open, but nothing came popping out when he slid the slab down. Huh, I guess I was wrong.

"I think it's coming from this one."

Doc pointed at the continuous beating that was heard from below the one we had opened up. I shifted my feet back as Doc unlatched the black lock. One hit, (Y/N). I took a deep breath and once it passed through my lips, Doc quickly swung the cabinet door open and slide the small, metal bed out.

The undead immediately attached itself to my red shirt, trying to bring me down to it's level. As it used me to lift itself up, I drove my armed hand down to the control center. One time. The hand attached to my shirt went limp while my face stared down at the now bleeding Z.

I did it; I didn't freak out.

"You okay?" Doc asked, opposite of me.

I didn't go crazy. I controlled it. Mack believed in me and I finally did it! I inhaled deeply before straightening out my back. With one harsh tug back, my blade was released from the bleeding skull.

I looked up at a worried Doc with a soft, assuring smile.


I wiped the knife onto the black jeans, closing it back and hooking it to my loops.

"You did good." Doc relieved any negative thoughts that would've raced through my head, closing the cabinet back up.

I heard 10K speak, but my mind went straight to the person that wasn't here, because death took him. He'd be proud that I could contain myself, right? He'd be so proud I didn't go crazy from mercerizing someone.

I didn't freak. An abrupt crashing resonated back into the space that we were trapped in. The Zs must've broken down the loose hinges. The guy quickly jumped away from the standing door he was leaning against, turning around with his rifle pointed.

What is he aiming at? The knob?

"They're coming in." I spoke the obvious.

"Settle down." Warren ordered the stranger, who visible shook at the thoughts of greeting death.

The woman was quiet during her walk to over one of the cabinets. She knocked on a small door higher than the rest before swinging the department door open. Her hand brought out a vacant tray; maybe if there wasn't an apocalypse, there would've been someone's dead grandma.

And want to know how the grandma would've died? A natural death. Something rare in the apocalypse.

"What are you doing?" I asked, turning around on my heel.

She doesn't actually think..

"No way in Hell am I getting in that thing." Once again, his head swung right and left, staring at Warren with shocked hues.

We all groaned at his refusal, not wanting to deal with this kind of holdup as approaching footsteps were heard behind the locked door.

"I don't want to die in here." He added, shaking more in his pants.

"Well, you sure as Hell ain't going to live out here." Murphy scoffed at the foolish man.

|| They want to see you do good, but not better than them ||

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