Rocking a Princess

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Izuku POV:

Sunday came for all of us with me making breakfast for everyone. I hung out in the kitchen with Eri sitting on a chair beside me watching. She seemed to like the fact I can use both my tails at the same time to cook with. "Daddy, what does having two tails feel like?" "Hmm, I guess it feels like you have another set of arms or something. It's kinda hard to put in words." I started flipping a pancake with one of my tails while moving another pan with eggs in it with my other to place it on a plate. While finishing up, Eri started to clap at the scene with stars in her eyes watching me show my stuff. "This isn't even the best I can do sweetie. Maybe I'll show you how daddy can pick a fully grown adult up with my tails." "You can pick an adult up with them!?" "He definitely can." Kaachan came into the kitchen to start grabbing plates to put on the table with some food as well.

"So Eri, you ready to spend the day with me, mama Ocha, mama Neji, and mama Mina?" Eri nodded at this while Kaachan looked at me. "I hear Kyoka's joining in, keep that in mind when you go somewhere to taste your 'flowers'." She started laughing with me going completely red. "Mama Kaachan, why is daddy embarrassed at the word flower?" "It's an adult joke sweetie, we'll talk about it when you're older." They both left the room with me thinking on what they said. 'I-I shouldn't get this worked up. I'm sure Momo won't want to do that on the first date, she seems like a class act and same for Kyoka.'

Meanwhile with the two, Kyoka POV:

"So...should we be ready for doing it with the fur ball or what?" I began hanging out in Yaomomo's room wearing a pair of jeans with a few cuts in the thighs and a shirt with a similar fashion on the shoulders that I was going to wear today for the date. I didn't think that deep into it since I'm sure Izuku's not gonna want to have us focus on appearance being the type of guy he comes off as. Momo on the other hand, she was having a fit. "Would that be bad? I mean I don't want him to think I'm a high and mighty sounding person, but I also don't want him to think I'm one of those girls who will sleep with anyone on the first date. It's so frustrating right now." From what she told me the other day, she never actually focused on these kinds of things because they weren't exactly the types of things she could do under her parent's house. Being her friend, I told her I'd help her if she allowed me to join. 'Never seen her this worked up. Must be the because she likes Izuku so much.'

"I don't even know what I should wear." I glanced at her in her underwear while smirking. "If you wanna get him in your bed, what's on your body right now is probably a good start." "Be serious here Kyoka! I don't even know what to do on a date today!" I let out a deep sigh before going to the dresser to find a nice black skirt then going to the closet to get a button down white shirt with a loose fitting light open black sweatshirt. "This'll work. Also, the hot red underwear works if we do go farther today." I went to open the door laughing a little for Yaomomo to not take it very kindly. "That isn't funny! How do you feel if he actually doesn't like girls that do that on the first date!?" "Relax, he screwed the rabbit hero with no actual dating involved along with doing Tsu. Granted both were instinctual from what I heard, but still. He's just a guy, don't worry about trying to wow him on the first date." I was midway through the door before saying one final thing. "You already do more than enough of that for him by just being you." I shut the door to head downstairs to get something to eat. 'You do a better job at that than me.'

few hours later, Izuku POV:

"Alright, we're heading out." Mina, Kaachan, Ochako, and Nejire gave me a kiss goodbye with Eri hugging me in Tsu's arms. "Promise you'll be a good girl while I'm gone?" "I promise daddy." She holds out her pinky finger for me to give her mine. 'She's such an adorable little kitten!' "Make sure you seal the deal Deku. I wanna see you bring them back on your back from going so hard." "Meow!" I stiffened at this before going completely red. "L-let's go you two." We begin heading out to town to with looking around a little. "So what do you two wanna do?" "There's a book store over here. We can go there first." Momo states this with both me and Kyoka agreeing. When we entered in, we started looking around with me finding my way to the kids books departments. 'I wonder if Eri would like one of these?'

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