Family Reunion

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Few minutes before, 3rd person POV:

As the meeting with the three factions happened, Koneko, Eri and Gasper had begun playing games as a way to kill time. "This is from a show mommy Camie likes. She called the show One Pace if I remember."

"I think it's One Piece Eri." Koneko corrected the small child for her to understand now why there was an 'I' in the name. "So what did your mommy show you?"

Placing her hand on her hip and her other hand out, the small child faces her aunt and new vampire friend. "First you need the right hand on your hip and stick out your left. Then you start shaking your hips." The two start joining in for Eri to smile. "Now you reverse." The group changed what hand was out and on their hips. "Now. Right left right left right left right left." The group continued this for a couple dozen times before Eri started swirling her hands in a circle before posing with her bending and holding her arms over her head. "SUPER!" Seeing her wrists were in the wrong direction, Eri quickly changed it for everyone to laugh.

"That was kinda funny." Koneko began smiling with Gasper feeling a bit calmer with this.

"I was scared it was gonna be something weird, but it's kinda neat."

"Thank you." She smiled before the sound of something shattering pulled them all out of their calm demeanor. "What was that?"

Koneko prepared for a fight with having her bracers put on her hands. "Stay behind me, Eri." The three prepared for the worst with the dead silence in the dormitory not helping the tension. "Eri. I want you to go find Kuro. I want you and him to hide somewhere and do not come out until me, your father or your mommies give you permission. Do you think you can do that?" Eri nodded to begin running up the stairs. As she did, a magic circle came under her to force the small child to be held up in the air and be pinned to the ceiling. "ERI!"

Koneko jumped to dispel the circle and save her niece, but a second came under to trap Koneko in a similar act.

"KONEKO!" Gasper was so focused on the two that he didn't notice the mage behind him trap him as well in a magic circle to be bound where he stood.

"Seems this was far easier than we had thought." A mage said while using a form of lighting to sent an electric pulse through the feminine male vampire.

"GASPER!" Both Eri and Koneko shouted for Kuro to hear the chaos happening from upstairs to jump out of Izuku's room and head downstairs. There, he saw several mages with Eri and Koneko on the ceiling with Gasper bleeding from his mouth from the extreme pain of the electricity in him.

"Mrrrr. I gotta do something, but what?" Feeling his body forced to activate it, Gasper activated his Sacred Gear and had it forcibly become a Balance Breaker to stop time except for a specific few that were unable to be effected.

"Now that the Balance Breaker is active, the second job starts now with taking that kid." A mage went towards Eri and Koneko. "Overhaul has been waiting ever so patiently for you. You're quite needed for a special project he has in store."

"You even try and touch her and I will make sure your life ends on a horrible note. You understand me?" Koneko spoke in a cold and threatening voice.

"You honestly think you're in a position to bargain with us. Unlike you filthy half breeds, we of the old satanic faction will kill you all. Starting with succeeding in what we have laid out. You all will be fodder to a world that-" Before anyone could react, the mage had her head sliced clean off.

"You truly don't know when you should shut up, do you?" Kuroka stood behind the mage for every other mage to begin fighting her. She seemed not at all phased as Kuroka dodged the attacks with little effort before killing the rest of the mages and releasing the spells keeping everyone where they were. Koneko grabbed Eri to fall on her feet while staring down at Kuroka. "Well isn't this a surprise Shirone. How are you today, Nya?"

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