Akeno's Watch

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Issei POV:

The day started out somewhat normal for me as always. Get up, do the training Midoriya told me to do, shower, etc. However, today kinda took a turn differently than I expected. "Hey Prez. What's Midoriya's kid doing here?" I pointed to the kid I think was named Eri who was sitting on Akeno's lap being taught some stuff by her.

"To make a long story short, Midoriya needed someone to watch Eri while he went to do some stuff for his school. He also wanted to have some place where she can go in the inevitability that her siblings from Katsumi, Ochako and Midnight are born."

'Oh right. I forgot he knocked his teacher up.' I thought about how Midnight normally looked insanely provocative before having some blood come down my nose. 'The lucky bastard-' "*BAM* OW!" I held my head before turning to see Koneko holding a wooden paddle with the words 'horndog paddle' on it. "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!?"

"Izuku's girlfriend Momo can make some very unique things."

"Is pervy man thinking dirty things again, mama Akeno?"

"Yes, Eri. He is." I let out a sigh before sitting down in front of the girl. She seemed to be interested in me to have me smile and wave at her. She seemed really scared of me to hide in Akeno's huge tits.

'Lucky! I wanna be face first in Akeno's massive mounds!'

"Alright. Considering we'll have Eri for the day, I was thinking we could try some unique forms of training." I listened closely to Prez as she explained. "For now, I think it's best to try working on different formations and such for Ratings Games. I was told that Midoriya will soon enough be able to fight in them and knowing how to defeat him would be ideal. So for the next few hours, we'll be handling some strategy work." Prez turned to Eri with a smile on her face. "There's some snacks and such in the other room. We do also have a TV in there if you're bored enough to want to watch something."

"Can Fenny come with me?"

"Fenny?" As I asked this, the demon dog Fenrir came out of Eri's shadow to sit next to her with that dopy dog look. "Now I get it."

"Sure thing." Fenrir got up off the ground to walk over towards Akeno and have the kid hop on his back and bring her into the other room. Once she was out of ear range, Prez told us the real reason we were watching Eri. "To make a long story short, Midoriya isn't out for some hero work. At least, not the type he explained to Eri. From what I was told, he may know where Overhaul is as well as the rest of the League. If he succeeds, Midoriya will be able to possibly find the Chaos Brigade and take them down as well."

"That seems like it makes sense." Kiba mentioned this as he looked at what we knew. "Overhaul is a high priority. So it's best we get whatever information on him that we can."

"But why did Midoriya suggest bringing her here and not to Sona's peerage? I'd think Eri would prefer her over us giving she's imprinted more on her." Akeno smiled before explaining to Xenovia.

"My decision. I wanted to have a little one on one time with Eri and get a little practice before my baby comes." I was speachless when I heard this before shouting what was said.


Prez looked a little uneasy with this before continuing. "Moving on. Since you offered to watch Eri during this, I'll have you off duty today, Akeno. Try to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble and we'll go from there."

"Got it." She got up and began heading to the other room. As she did, I noticed a smirk on Koneko's face to lean over and whisper to her.

"What's got you in a good mood?" I smirked as Koneko bluntly stated what had her in smiles.

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