Start from the beginning

  Ashley had a smile on her lips when he said this, she stepped out of his half embrace. "When you do need me don't forget to beep me Mr Marshall."

   "I told you not to call me Mr Marshall, its brutal, and it just hurts my heart," he said this feigning hurt.  She laughed and turned her back on him.

   "Do beep me Mr Marshall," she said one last time and went out of his office. She could hear him grumbling words along the lines of 'don't call me Mr Marshall its brutal,' she won't deny that she loved calling him 'Mr Marshall' only because he doesn't like it, and she wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

   When Ashley finally settled down in her seat, she went back to what she had been doing before the old Mr Marshall arrival. She plugged in her earpiece, and continued listening to her song whilst working, the song that was playing now was 'wolves by Selena Gomez' and she couldn't help but bop her head to the beat.

   Ashley was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn't know how much time had flown by. She was right now so into the song she was listening to, but a familiar and hated sound drew her out of her reverie, the sound of her phone ringing and vibrating.

   She checked the Id and saw that it was Chloe.

   "Chloe doesn't call at work unless it is 6:30 pm," she thought and checked the time, and it was indeed 6:45 pm.

   "Hey babe," Ashley said picking up the call.

  "What the heck are you doing with your boss?" Chloe yelled into the phone immediately. Ashley wasn't shocked at Chloe's silly assumption, she was by now used to it.

  "Sometimes I can't help but admire how your brain work," Ashley said with a smile tugging at her lips.

   "Like that of Einstein, right?" Chloe said. Ashley scoffed at that, Chloe sure loves to praise herself. "Anyway its time to go home and I'm waiting for you, or should I leave maybe you and your boss still wanna..."

  "Shut up Chloe, I will be downstairs in a jiffy just let me tell Greg."

  "I have a feeling he is gon tell you to wait and ride with him," Chloe said wistfully. Ashley couldn't help but laugh at this.

   "I'm not sure," Ashley said and hung up the phone. She packed her stuffs and walked up to Greg's office. She didn't know what he would say, usually for the past week before the trip he wouldn't even give a flying fuck if she left early. She was scared that he might act that way, or if the heavens are involved, he could get her to wait with him, by giving her unnecessary work.

   Ashley knocked the door quietly and opened when she heard a soft come in from inside. She walked in and saw that Greg was indeed very busy, he had discarded his suit and his shirt was unbuttoned half way, the sleeves of the shirt had also been rolled up. His hair looked rough like he had been running his hands through it, what made him look funny and almost made her laughed was his tie. His tie was on his head, it was hanging down from his right cheek, this look of his reminded her of the movie 'boss baby.'

   He didn't even look up as she got in, he was way too busy.

   "I'm leaving Greg," Ashley said quietly.  His head shot up as she said so. He looked at her with a questioning gaze in his eyes. "Its 6:45 Greg." She laughed.

   "Ohh..." Greg looked at her. Ashley wished he would just give her one of those silly excuses he gave  her before whenever he wanted her to stay longer. She watched him and saw that very familiar look on his face, she knew what was coming next, he was going to tell her something along the line of 'there is a file you need to work on,' or 'you still have more work,' and she clearly wouldn't mind. Before she hated it but now, she just wanted to spend time with him. "Can you wait a little bit till I'm done... I'll drop you home once I'm done."

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