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it's been two weeks since premios juventud, two weeks since i spoke to tini.

today i was bringing aaliyah to the beach, along with the boys since they wanted to come with.

the boys were supposed to meet me there so i'm currently packing aaliyah's things for the beach.

"papa?" i heard her small voice call as she jumped onto the bed next to the bag i was packing.

"yes baby?" i responded.

"is zabdiel coming with?" she asked and i chuckled.

"yes he is sweetie," i laughed.

"okay can you hurry up," she whined and i chuckled, shaking my head at her.

"okay let's go," i said as i zipped the bag and she jumped off the bed, running downstairs.


sebastian randomly brought me to the beach today but of course i agreed. i love the beach.

we were getting ice cream at the ice cream truck when out of nowhere sebastian recognized some people.

"isn't that the boys?" he asked. "hm?" i hummed as i licked my ice cream.

"awh! he even brought aaliyah!" sebastian pointed out as he adoringly looked at a toddler.

i turned to where he was looking and i saw the same guy i used to love, playing with a little girl running around chasing the waves.

i turned to where he was looking and i saw the same guy i used to love, playing with a little girl running around chasing the waves

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that triggered a bitter memory.

[4 years ago]

castillo entered my room and i rolled my eyes. "how long are you gonna keep me here?" i questioned.

he stared at me as he leaned on the door. he chuckled.

"you really know nothing about richard do you?" he asked with a pitiful look and i scoffed.

"please, i know quite a lot," i rolled my eyes.

"oh really? well did you know he has a baby on the way?" he questioned and my head snapped to his direction.

"what the hell are you talking about?" i spat.

"oh so you don't know? well, he actually got one of his friends pregnant," he said.

he chuckled at my facial expression and shook his head.

"looks like it's true you don't really know him," he said before leaving the room.

[present time]

"let's go say hi," sebastian said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me there.

i sighed but followed him, which i technically didn't have much of a choice.

"hey!" he greeted the boys who happily greeted him back.

"hi," i greeted the boys and hugged each one of them.

"i missed you," joel whispered when he hugged me. "i missed you too," i whispered back before pulling away.

"who are you? you're pretty," a small girl tugged at my skirt and i smiled.

i kneeled down to meet her. "i'm tini, what's your name?" i asked her back.

"aaliyah," she responded and smiled.

richard's daughter. "hi, aaliyah. nice to meet you," i said with a smile as i reached my hand out for her to shake, which she did.

"can i give you a hug too?" little aaliyah asked and i laughed, nodding.

i opened my arms and she wrapped her small arms around my neck and gave me a hug.

richard just looked down at us, smiling.

"i feel like you two are gonna be best friends," christopher pointed out and laughed.

"that'll be good. i get to see this little cupcake more often. c'mon give tío sebas a hug too," sebastian groaned and aaliyah laughed before freeing herself from me and running into sebastian's arms.

i stood back up and contemplated on giving richard a hug too.

"what am i not getting a hello or something?" richard asked, holding his arms opened and i chuckled.

"hi," i said before giving him a quick hug.

he held me tight, but let go rather quickly since clearly sebastian was here.

i just wished he held on a little longer.

sometimes i wonder why tini and richard can't be together irl coz idk man this book makin me lowkey ship DON'T KILL ME

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sometimes i wonder why tini and richard can't be together irl coz idk man this book makin me lowkey ship DON'T KILL ME

the gif is her when richard asked if he wasn't gonna get a hello or sumthin

richard can run me over with a car and i'd thank him. the amount of times i died when he rolls on stage if ya kno what i mean

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