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"just like that? you fought to get her back just for her to leave like that?!" denver asked, clearly frustrated as he barged into my room with the others.

i turned around from the window and denver's face softened when he saw i was crying.

i quickly wiped the tears away and zabdiel helped me back to my bed.

"i hid this thing from her. i also cheated on her and i now have a baby on the way. i don't blame her, she deserves better," i shrugged, not letting any of my emotions show in front of them.

"you're not the only one with a baby on the way," chris muttered while looking at his phone.

"i'm sorry i know this isn't a right time to be happy but i can't help it, melanie is pregnant!" he jumped happily and i forced a smile.

we congratulated him and he thanked us. i tried to be happy for him when in reality i felt nothing, but i couldn't do that to my best friend.

"guys we should probably let him rest," zabdiel said after all the commotion.

"right, yeah," erick said.

"take care bro, denver's gonna stay with you tonight," christopher said when he came over to hug me gently.

all the boys gave me a hug and left me alone with denver in this huge house.

"hermanito," he called for me and i turned my head towards him.

"let it out," he said. i swallowed a big lump in my throat to stop myself from crying.

"don't hide your feelings from me. i've known you way back, don't be embarrassed in front of me," he said again.

"i love her," i let out and broke down almost instantly.

denver sighed and sat next to my bed, grabbing my right shoulder which wasn't hurting.

"it's gonna be alright," he said.

"there's not gonna be anyone else, te lo juro," i cried.

the tears kept falling no matter how hard i tried to stop it. it hurt so much that my heart was physically aching.

i didn't want to eat but denver forced me to just to take my medicine.

there's no one else that was gonna replace her. my heart was completely closed for anyone else.


after i left i headed to the airport, getting on the earliest flight back to new york.

after a couple hours i landed, got on a cab and headed to my best friend's aparment.

here i was, at her door, ringing the bell. i was wearing sunglasses to cover how puffy my eyes were, and i had to decline so many fans who requested for pictures.

the door opened revealing a very happy melanie.

"hey, tini, what are you doing here?" she asked, confused.

"can i come in?" i asked and she looked at my luggage and nodded.

i put my luggage into the guest room and sat on the couch.

"what happened?" she asked, handing me a cup of coffee.

i took my sunglasses off and her face dropped.

"i broke up with him. i had to," i choked on my words and started sobbing again.

melanie sat next to me and i told her everything that happened.

"wait he never told you?" she asked and i shook my head.

"what, did you know?" i asked and she nodded, sighing.

"that was only because i kinda caught him with denver at some streets," she explained.

"are you sure you wanna leave him though? after everything," melanie asked again and i nodded.

"he cheated on me too, mel. if it was just him hiding his gang life for me maybe i could accept it, but he got a girl pregnant, how can i just simply accept him cheating like that?" i stated and she nodded, understandingly.

"you should get some rest, i'll make dinner later," she said and i nodded as she got up to the kitchen.

i saw three used pregnancy tests on the table and checked them. they were all positive.

"mel?" i called out for her and she hummed in response.

"are you pregnant?" i asked and she turned around to me with a smile on your face as she nodded.

i smiled at her. "congrats!" i said and she thanked me.

"chris said he's gonna come over next week," she said and my smile dropped.

she turned back around to face me again.

"don't worry, it's chris not erick, he can keep a secret," she said and i simply nodded.

i walked into the guest room and sat on the window seat.

i pulled my phone out and was met by a picture of me and richard on my lockscreen. i sighed and unlocked my phone, met by another picture of us as my home screen.

i opened my gallery and scrolled through pictures of us together. there were pictures of us on dates, random pictures from his studio sessions, random videos of us messing around and so many more memories.

i was watching some videos of us and i felt my cheeks getting wet. i sighed and locked my phone before hugging my knees and wrapping my arms around them, leaning my chin on my arms as i stared out the window with tears escaping my eyes.

 i sighed and locked my phone before hugging my knees and wrapping my arms around them, leaning my chin on my arms as i stared out the window with tears escaping my eyes

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my heart is aching for my two babies 🥺

if u haven't already, go read mi medicina then read the sequel and vote for every chap bye😗✌

vote on this one too

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