Bonus Chapter

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Five years later...

Zain's POV

It has been five years...the best years of my life.

I had to re-throne the mafia to Chris and Cat but it didn't matter.

Adam was safe. I know my best friend and my sister will keep the mafia at the top, but everytime they come into my home, I urge them to keep those lives outside. All my religious beliefs came from Zarah and spending time with her family, especially her dad.

Now, I was sitting on the breakfast table, looking at my beautiful family. I looked at Zarah and saw her looking really nervous and worried about something.

"Hey mami, you okay?" I asked.

She looked up at me, her cheeks turned red and she had the biggest smile on her face.

Damn, she's beautiful.

"Y-yea I am f-fine." she stuttered. She never stutters.

"Seriously, baby girl, what's wrong? And don't even try to lie to me. You know it never works." I could feel a growl in my throat, itching to come out. Geez, i'm not a fucking animal, what's wrong with me?

"O-okay...I am pre..." she took a deep breath. "I am pregnant with twin girls."


"Mummy, what's happening?" Adam asked.

"You are saying...I am having two daughters with the love of my life?!"

"Yes..." she said, her blush deepening.

"Twin...daughters? And Adam is getting two sisters?"


"WHAT? I'M GETTING TWO SISTERS?!!" Adam screamed. He was more excited than I would have expected.

"Yes you are, my little baby." Zarah picked up Adam and gave him the biggest hug.

"And you will be the best big brother because you will look after them and protect them." I said, trying to get Adam to come to me.

He didn't.


As the day went on, we all went to the park and invited Ali and Chloe over so Adam could play with Mohammed.

They arrived just minutes after us and Adam and Mohammed played like they were brothers.

After a few hours we all had lunch and Ali, Chloe and Mohammed had to leave early. They mentioned an appointment but I knew it was mafia business.

We left shortly after them and on the way back home, I noticed a black SUV that had been behind me for the last five streets. I decided to take a turn that we had never taken before, just to make sure that they were actually following us. It turned out that the next turn was an alleyway.

When we were halfway through, I looked in the rear-view mirror and didn't see the SUV.

That was a close call.

Just before we exited the alleyway, Zarah checked the mirror and told me to turn left. That would take us back to the park. Her tone told me something was wrong and instantly, I knew.

We were being followed.

I put my hand on her thigh and told her everything would be okay.

I said the same to Adam, even though he didn't understand the danger.

I sped up as I made the turn and after three streets, I knew I had lost the SUV. But the worry didn't fade. There were so many questions flying through my mind.

Who are they? Why now? After all these years?

Since we took a different route, it took a long time to get home. Once we did, nobody said a word. Everyone was ready to sleep. After Zarah tucked Adam in, she came into our bedroom and got under the covers. It was silent for a few minutes before Zarah spoke up.

"You need to start training Adam. He needs to be able to protect himself, whenever, even when he's out with friends. And," She put my hands on her belly, "He needs to be able to protect his sisters." she had tears in her eyes. I wiped them away and kissed her.

"Don't worry mami, everything will be okay, and nothing will happen to rania and reem. Now let's get a good night's sleep." I said with kisses on her forehead and cheeks.

"I like that, Rania and Reem. Those will be their names." she said, with a huge smile on her face.

"Anything for you, my baby." 

Author's note:

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my story. 

If you want to read about Zain and Zarah's child, Adam, then read the next page very carefully. It will be posted soon. 

Make sure to vote and comment!

Constructive criticism is accepted but no hate!

I hope you have a good night! (or morning/day depending on which country you are from)

See you next time!



Nah! I'm just kidding. 

Peace out! 

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