The Ambush

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Zarah's pov

I woke up with my brother pushing me.

"Hey. Get up Zarah. Before they all wake up." he whispered.

"Okay, okay. I'm up, I'm up. Let's go!" As we got to the staircase we heard footsteps. My brother looked confused. He must've told his men to stay outside. How did they even get in here? Then I heard Chloe talking.

"No we can't hurt him... please stop being such a jerk." I heard a thump. I think someone just pushed her to the wall.

"I can do anything I want, especially since I have that sex tape. You better be careful with what you say to me..." Oh no...Marcos? What was Chloe doing with Marcos? His voice trailed off in the end as if he was implying something.maybe threatening her.

"Okay I am s-s-sorry. P-p- please p-put m-me down." She said, her voice quivering.

"Aww are you crying? I thought you liked everyone thinking you're a slut? Before things escalate, you are going to go into his office and take photos of everything important. Get in and get out, okay?!" Before things escalate? What did he mean by that? Is he...No...he couldn't be that much of a psychopath, could he?

"Yes, yes, okay." she said, sobbing. I had a bad feeling about what was going on between them.

"Please help her. Oh, and don't let her destroy Zain's gang. Please? They didn't do anything bad to me." I whispered to my brother in desperation.

"Okay. But you have to wait in the car. It's right outside. It's Jamal's black car." I started wondering how it would have been if I had met Zain under different circumstances.

"Go!" My brother shook me from my thoughts. I got up and ran outside and found Jamal leaning on his car. I ran straight up to him and wanted to hug him so bad but I couldn't. He chuckled as if he knew what I was thinking. He opened the door for me and I got inside the car. Then he got in and drove out of the gates and hid the car behind a bush.

"What are you doing? What about my brother?" I asked.

"This is part of the plan. Calm down. Jeez." he said. He was about to laugh his head off when I kicked his chair. Now it was my turn to laugh.

He turned around and looked me dead in the eye and I swear I could see the fires of hell raging in his eyes. I went quiet.

After a couple of seconds we both burst out laughing.

"I missed you little wolf." He said. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, and it felt like I was finally home.

"I missed you too, Jamal." And I really did mean it.

If you want to know who Jamal is, he's been my brother's best friend since 2nd grade. He was my first ever crush. I guess I know him pretty well.

Ali's pov

I was about to walk in the office when an alarm went off. Shit they might not have turned off the alarm in the office. I walked in and saw a girl turned away from me.

"Hey Chloe, we need to get out of here."

"What? No! Why? Who are you and how do you know my name?"

"I am a friend of a friend. You just need to trust me and I will give you a reason to...Uh, I know about the sex tape. I will get my men to hack into Marcos' phone and delete it, but only if you come with me."


"Okay, lets go." We walked down to the stairs and I took a good look at her. Damn, she's beautiful. I looked away before it became creepy and saw a buff man running at us.

He tried to punch me but I caught it and punched him twice.

One on the stomach and one in the face. Then I flipped him over onto the floor.

"C'mon, lets go." I grabbed Chloe's arm and we ran.

We saw a bunch of people fighting. It appeared to be two different gangs in a personal fight...shit. What did I walk into?

"C'mon. We need to leave through the back door." We started making our way back to my car.

"We will be going back to my place for the moment. It won't be too long."

"Okay." She replied.

"Hey, when everything has died down a bit, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"YES!...I-I...mean...yes, that's okay with me." She replied, her face getting redder by the second.

God, I love it when I make her blush. She's so cute...

Three days later...

Zarah's pov

At 10 in the morning, Catalina called.

"Hey girl." I said.

"Don't 'hey girl' me. I thought we were closer than this. I treated you like a sister and this is what you do?"

"What happened? What did I do?" I started to freak out. I really didn't want to lose her as a friend.

"You ambushed the fucking gang! That's what you did!"

"No I didn't. Can we please meet up? I will tell you everything. Please?"

"Okay, but I choose the place. I will send you the address through text."

"Okay. I'll be there in half an hour." We ended the call. She texted the address almost immediately after. She told me to meet at a familiar park.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" She said, sounding very annoyed.

"Yes, okay. So..." I retold the entire story about what happened.

"Oh shit. But Zain has become obsessed with looking for you. He thinks that either you're missing, or you're the rat and you ran away with someone in Marcos' gang. I don't know what to tell him Z."

"Oh god. Just tell him that I saw an opportunity and I took it. And make sure that it is clear to him that he was the one that kidnapped me. And...say....say that I was never going to be happy there. If he asks you how you know then tell him that I called you and told you everything then I hung up, cut myself off from everything, like I changed my number, moved houses, even changed my workplace." I then felt the tears streaming down my face. I didn't realise they were there until I finished talking.

"....Okay...are you sure though..." I didn't trust my voice enough to speak so I just nodded. Why was I so upset? Ugh whatever...

"Okay...Bye Bebe. Have a great life and I will call you when the baby comes."

"Okay thank you...Oh and tell him that Chloe ran away as well. Say that she was sick of seeing me with him and couldn't take it anymore."

"Oh yeah...What happened to her?"

"That's a story for another day."

"Okay. Bye Zarah."

"Bye Cat." 

Fall for the Mafia KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora