The Rat

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Zain's POV

The next morning, I got up and went to the shower, wondering what to do with Zarah. I am still pissed at her letting my brother get into her pants.

And she did not even want to join the gang so I have to decide whether to kill her or kick her out

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And she did not even want to join the gang so I have to decide whether to kill her or kick her out. I wrapped a towel around my waist and got out of the shower.

Zarah's pov

The next morning I did my usual routine and was thinking about why I let them keep me here for so long. I need at least visit my family every once in a while. And the principal at the school where I teach doesn't even know I've been kidnapped. Right, i've been kidnapped. So why am I letting them keep me here?

I don't understand, they need to let me go. I don't want to join the gang so what's keeping me here?!

I heard my ringtone coming from my phone. Wait, they let me keep my phone? I forgot about that!

I went to check who it was. I immediately answered it. It was my brother!

 It was my brother!

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"Hey bro!"

"Hey sis. I thought you said you would come visit last night. Don't you remember? You asked me to teach you more fighting skills."

"I don't need to learn anymore. I can even beat you."

"Oh yeah? Come over and we'll see." I didn't know what else to say. I was brought to tears. I thought about my family and put my hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs. My brother still noticed even if it was over the phone.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I thought, I am going to tell my brother everything and just see what happens.

"Okay, I am going to tell you, but please don't get angry."

"Zara! What did you do? Tell me now!"

"Okay, okay." Then I told him everything. I left out my feelings for Zain because I knew he would tell me that I have stockholm syndrome. And maybe he can get me out of this problem.

When I finished, he said, "What?! Why didn't you say anything earlier? You know how much dad hates this shit, Zara!" he sighed and continued.

"Okay. I'm going to get you out of this problem. Are there bodyguards around?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay. Every year they do maintenance for their security system and they turn all the cameras off. Try to find out what day that is so I can get you out, okay?" These were the best words I've heard in the longest time.

"Okay, I will." It's going to be hard but I'm going to have to do my best.

"And be careful. You've heard what these people can do."

"I know. That's why I didn't call the dogs. I didn't want them involved."

"Okay. Just look after yourself, yeah?"

"Yes. Okay, don't worry."

"Bye, bro. See you soon."

"Bye, Zarah." We ended the call and I went into the hall. Chloe was back from her random trip she decided to take two days ago. She was on the phone with someone so I hid and tried to listen to her conversation.

"No, Marcos you said we will get rid of her." Who's Marcos? And who are they trying to get rid of?

I couldn't hear the person on the other line. My head was spinning with questions. UGH!

Then I heard Chloe say, "Okay, I will help you get her, but you can't touch her. I want her okay!"

The phone call ended and I quickly went downstairs.

So Chloe is a rat. Wow. I thought she loved Zain.

I got to the kitchen and saw a beautiful pancake breakfast. YESS!

I went to eat it but I saw Zain sitting at the table. He looked really angry. But why? He is so confusing.

I decided to ignore him because I don't know what to say to an angry Zain. I just walked over to the seat with the pancakes in front of them. I looked down and ate my breakfast in silence.

I heard him say, " was Marcos? I bet you like him, 'alot'."

"Who's Marcos?" I said with a full mouth.

"Don't play dumb. You know who I'm talking about."

"No...I don't...And why are you so angry with me?"

"Oh, don't act like a clueless bitch." Oh, I have an idea but you're just too stupid to admit to it. And how dare you call me clueless? I was fuming, but I continued to eat in silence and didn't look at him.

"You didn't answer my question. How was Marcos?" He just can't let it go. I stood up from my pancakes and glared him down.

"What do you want me to say? I. Don't. Know. Any. Marcos!" I screamed. He stood up and punched the table.

"Yes you do!!!" He yelled so loud and it made me jump out of my skin. Then he sighed and left. He started to walk up the stairs and said, "You are going to pay for talking to him. If he knows anything it will be on you. Estúpida perra."

(You stupid bitch)

What is wrong with him? Who's Marcos? Why does he hate me so much? And why is Chloe going behind Zain's back?

Ugh! Who cares? My brother will get me out of here soon anyway. 

A/N: About the recent updates...

Hey readers! there were some previous technical difficulties in the publishing part of the story. The chapters were repeating... If you were with me from the start, you might have noticed it and I am sorry about that. I was weary about fixing it but I knew it had to be done so I re-published all of the chapters and made sure there were no doubles. 

Then, as it turned out, the chapters were in the wrong order. you might have noticed that some parts didn't make sense in the order that you had read them, and....well....that's why.  

So I fixed that problem and as a token of my appreciation, I have also uploaded another chapter. 

Hope you have enjoyed the story so far and don't worry, there are still many more chapters to come!

Make sure to vote and comment. 

Constructive criticism is appreciated but hate comments are not, so please keep the hate away from this book. 

Thank you so much for reading!

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