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Zarah's pov

While I was waiting for Zain to come back, I got a phone call from Catalina.

I answered it so quickly that I nearly dropped my phone.

"Hi Cat. How have you been? How's Camila?" I said.

She didn't say anything. All I heard was a quiet sob.

"What happened? Is Camila okay?"

"It's not Cami."

"What happened Cat? What's wrong?"

"H-he i-is i-in the HOSPITAL!!"

"Who Cat? Who's in the hospital?"

"Z-Z-ZAIN!!" I heard her scream. My heart shattered into a million pieces. He can't be in the hospital. He's never gotten injured from a fight.

He promised he would be back!!!!!

Catalina told me the address to the hospital and I ran to my car. I drove off, tears streaming down my face like waterfalls.

When I got there I went straight to the desk.

"Hello. How may I help you?" the receptionist said.

"Zain Gonzales?"

"Are you related to him?" In this country you are not allowed to visit patients unless you are related to them. So I lied.

"Yes, he is my husband." I changed my ring from my right hand to my left and placed it on my ring finger. Then I showed it to the lady.

"Okay. Room 363. Up the stairs to the left. Have a nice day Mrs Gonzales." I felt happy and kind of proud when she called me Mrs Gonzales. But I just want him to be okay...

"Thank you." I ran up the stairs and made a sharp turn to the left. I found the room easily but I stopped. I took a deep breath, in and out. Then I opened the door and walked in. For some reason I was expecting him to not be there, and this to be some sort of sick joke. But he was there. Laying in his bed, either asleep or in a coma, I wouldn't know. I wasn't going to cry because I knew that it was Allah's choice whether to take him or not. So instead, I just sat there and watched him until I fell asleep.

I woke up an hour later to Zain, reaching over in the hospital bed to try to wake me up.


"Hey, mi amor. Wake up."

"OMG! YOU'RE AWAKE! I'M GOING TO GET THE DOCTORS!! AND DON'T THINK YOUR GETTING WAY WITH ANYTHING!! YOU HAVE SO MUCH EXPLAINING TO DO!!" I said, tears streaming down my cheeks. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.

He's okay. And he's alive. Alhamdulillah. I thank god.

The doctors came in and gave him a check up.

"He can go home, he just needs to sign some paperwork."

"Okay, thank you doctor." I was still crying. I looked around and saw that Christopher and Zain's parents were there. I must have been so focused on Zain that I didn't hear them walk in. The only people that werent there were Cat and Camilla. That little princess must've gotten hungry, or sleepy.

Christopher helped Zain get up and everyone started to walk out of the room. I waited for everyone to leave before I dropped to the ground.

Somehow, Zain saw me and told Christopher to help him walk back into the room. They must have told the rest of the family to go ahead because they didn't follow.

" Baby look at me. I am okay."

"I know...But I only just saw you again. And...and I thought I was going to lose you forever this time. I didn't have to leave that day. I could've told my brother I wanted to stay. And I will never forgive myself for that." I kept on talking and Zain gently shushed me.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. And guess what?"

"What?" I answered, wiping my tears like I was a baby.

"I booked tickets for us to go see your parents in Australia."

"Really!!!...Wait, why?"

"Because I have a surprise waiting for you over there."

"Ooooo...Really? What is it?!!"

"You have to wait and see..."

"Okay fine. Let's just get out of this depressing place."

"Okay, fine." On our way out, we saw a doctor with a big smile on her face.

"Have a great day Mr and Mrs Gonzales." She said. My face turned red almost instantly.

I looked at Zain and he had the biggest and goofiest smile on his face.

"What did you call us?" He asked. The doctor's smile had lessened.

"Mr and Mrs Gonzales?" The doctor looked so confused. Zain just smiled and gave a quick and dismissive nod to the doctor.

When we were out of her earshot, Zain leaned in to me and asked, "How did that happen, Mrs Gonzales?" His smile had now turned into a smirk.

" said that...uh...we they would not let me see you otherwise." I said, wanting to die.

"I like the sound of it. Mrs Gonzales." He chuckled. Ugh...I love him so much. I can't wait to show him to my parents. 

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