Chapter Seventeen

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Madison's POV

He walked closer and closer and with each step he took, I took one back. That was until my back made contact with the wall behind me. That's not good. Not good at all.

He drew as close as humanly possible and was about to touch me when I slapped him hard across his face. Shit, what have I done?

He turned to me and his eyes narrowed into slits. I regretted doing what I did now. That look was anything but nice.

I was so confused right now. What had caused the sweet and caring guy to change?

"You'll regret that", he spat.

"Oh yeah, how so?" I thought out loud. Stupid stupid Madi!

"You're about to find out. And it'll put an end to that bravery of yours", I heard him say.

My eyes widened. What was he about to do?

But the problem was, I already knew...

I flew up with such force from my nightmare. Beads of sweat coating my face and my arms shaking in fright.

But it didn't stop me from frantically pulling of my sheets of me and inspecting my feet. Still there.

But even if they were there, they made no sense. I lost everything because of them. I lost everything because I didn't know when to stop being hero and defender.

I lost my sister.

Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts, I jumped of my bed and began getting ready for school.

Once I was done, I headed downstairs. I looked for Alli, but couldn't see her any where. I guess I deserved that after what happened yesterday.

"Morning", Adison greeted as I entered the kitchen for breakfast.

"Morning", I responded and faked a smile. But Adison knew it was fake.

"Allison already left. I think she asked Annelise to pick her up", Adison informed me as she passed me a plate full to the brim with pancakes.

I only nodded at Adison in response since I didn't know how the hell to respond.

Fifteen minutes later and I was only able to finish less than half my breakfast. I couldn't fathom the idea of food when yesterdays incident with Asher kept playing in my head like a CD in an old DVD player.

"This isn't healthy", Adison told me eyeing my plate of unfinished food. She'd just finished scarfing down a plate of her own.

She looked up at me and shook her head when I made no move to eat another bite. I just couldn't.

Soon enough, I heard a car's honk sound from outside.

Adison made her way to the kitchen window and peered out of it. She then turned to me with a smirk.

"What's Mr. Macho leader doing with your car?" She questioned with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Who's Mr. Macho?" I asked confused but then my eyes widened in realisation that it was Aiden.

I forgot he still had my car.

"Aiden", Adison responded with a sly smile and moved to push me out the kitchen.

"What is with you woman?" I enquired of Adi as she continued pushing me out to the foyer.

Why's she so impatient to get rid of me when a second ago she wanted me to finish an entire plate of pancakes?

"Can't keep Romeo waiting now can we Juliet?" Her comment had me stopping dead in my tracks and spinning around to face her.

"What did you just call us?" I enquired with a hard face.

"Oh please", Adison rolled her eyes, how very mature, "There's obviously something between you two. It's so cute seeing that look in his eyes when he glances at you" Adi stated dreamily.

Now I was beyond confuse. Has my sister gone Waco just like my friends?

"There's nothing between me and Aiden", I objected.

"But you two look so cute together", Adison gushed like a twelve year old. Exactly how old was my sister again? Twenty five was it?

"Adi, knock it of. You're beginning to sound like Annelise. Crazy and nonsensical!" I admonished.

"Do you know you're not gonna change my outlook no matter what you say? Because you sound like, Annelise. Crazy and nonsensical", Adison shot back my exact same words.

"Adi I'm serious, we have nothing going on. He's just here to return my car", I tried to reason.

"Whatever floats your boat", Adi dismissed before tossing me my backpack and all but chucking me out of my own house. Rude much? Last time I checked this was me and Allison's house. Adison belonged with Noah in Sussurro. Yet here she is pushing me out of my own house. How splendid.

I marched out the Villa non the less and walked to my car where Aiden was seated in the drivers seat. His eyes seemed to trail over me as I sat in the passenger seat.

Feeling a bit self conscious, I looked down to what I was wearing. I wasn't sporting anything great. I was in my daily attire. Some track pants and a random T-shirt.

"Morning", I greeted.

"Hey, where's your sister?" Aiden enquired, but sounded as though he was hesitant to ask.

"With Annelise", I replied shortly. I really didn't want to bring this up again.

"How come?" He continued to ask, seeming a little more interested now.

"It doesn't matter", I slightly frowned and turned my head to look out the window as he began the drive to school.

"Your frowning, it seems like it does matter", I snapped my head towards him to see his eyes set on the road before us. How'd he notice my slight frown if he's so engrossed in driving Hera?

"Why would you care?" I asked rather than answering his question.

Why did he care?

"The same reason I'd beat the crap out of that Asher guy. What happened?" Aiden's statement had me a bit disoriented for a second before I composed myself. What the hell did he mean by that.

"Allison's mad at me", I answered despite my confusion and the one thought swimming around my head.

All that was blurring my mind was that one thought that made sense more than ever. Adison and the girls were right. How did I not notice this? How did they notice this.

Never mind that, all I knew now was that I was certain about something.

Aiden Beckam liked me!

Hello there wonderful people! I live, obviously.

I got our second ship name for you:

Lucas + Annelise (I bet you were waiting on that one) = Luna

Again, I remind you that I'm horrible at ship names and your suggestions are still more than welcome.

Also, the Maiden (Madison + Aiden) ship isn't sailing just yet, they're still at the port waiting for the captain's (me) orders to set sail. But they'll set sail soon, hopefully.

And unless you don't want the ship to sink or go through some rough storms in their journey, you'll vote comment and follow!


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