Chapter Thirteen

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Madison's POV

"Ooh, new hunks!"

"So dreamy"

"Wow, I think he's got a tattoo. So cool!"

That was basically all that was heard as the guys passed through the hallway.

I caught glimpse of a girl eyeing Aiden dreamily. But he paid no attention to anyone and continued forward. Lucas, however, was sending winks and floating kisses to any girl he caught ogling him. Such a player!

"Looks like he's over me. Finally", Annelise breathed out and proceeded to her locker. The boys disappeared into the front office and none of us bothered waiting for them.

If they wanted, they could ask the love-struck cheer squad for help getting to class. Those girls were basically drooling over them.

I stopped at my locker and punched in the combination. I opened up my locker and took out my book for my first class.

I was about to shut the locker when a someone slammed it instead.

"You didn't wait for me", Aiden scowled. I was still slightly taken aback. My heart was beating uncontrollably fast.

I soon managed to calm my raging heart and scowl back.

"I wasn't supposed to!", I responded confidently, "And don't do that again! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Wow, I just stood up for myself. That was the first time since... Asher. It felt amazing.

With that feeling, I left for my first class. Leaving behind a stunned looking Aiden.

It was finally lunch time and we were more than glad to sit at our regular table and eat.

Finals have already started and our teachers were pushing us to the limit.

"So much paper. So much Calculus", Jade exaggerated.

Weird, usually that's Annelise whining and complaining for no good reason.

"Exactly! So much paper! So much Science!" Annelise plopped down in her spot. Speak of the devil and she shall come. Me and my big mouth.

Suddenly, Lucas pushed Jade of her seat and sat in it. The other guys came along too and took seats at our table. Each of them sitting between us.

"How very ungentlemanly of you Lucas", Jayce shook his head at Lucas and helped Jade up. He pulled her to sit on top of him and her face started going red like a tomato.

"Like I care about being gentleman like. The last time I did that was with..." Lucas cut himself short and frowned at whatever memory he was about to bring up.

"Was with who?" Annelise enquired seeming interested about Lucas all of a sudden.

"No one", Lucas clenched his jaw and turned away.

"Why did you guys tag along with us? You could have sat with the wannabe cheer squad", Jade stated after a silence of us just eating.

"Didn't feel like it. You're right by saying their wannabes. That and their as ferocious and mean as tigers", Evan laughed.

"Oh, do you not like tigers?" Allison troubled him.

"No. I was almost eaten by one when I was younger", Evan explained with his chin high.

"By 'eaten', he means he was tormenting it and it growled. He got scared shitless and ran away. And by 'younger', he means just last summer", Blake stated with a smirk.

"Well I was younger, wasn't I?" Evan tried to defend.

We couldn't contain our laughter anymore and be burst into a fit of laughter.

"About this morning", Aiden turned to me.

I looked down and fiddled with my fingers. Oh boy. I knew my burst of confidence wasn't good. Because now, I'm back to chickening out.

What good did my confidence ever bring me? None. So I needed to put and end to this confidence of mine once and for all. Aiden probably seemed to care a little about me, but there's no telling if he could turn into the monster he was. After all, Asher was nice and caring to me in the beginning too. And the outcome of that story left me scarred.

"I'm sorry", I muttered, barely above a whisper. I was looking down at my food as a played with a fry.

"Why are you apologising?" I looked up sharply after Aiden's question.

What did he mean by 'why are you apologising'? Didn't my outburst make him angry?

"What?" I asked dumbly.

His lips lifted into an amused smile.

"It was surprising, your outburst I mean. But it seemed like you. Not shying away, but speaking up", he stated with a breathtaking smile.

I just sat with my mouth ajar. Completely dumfounded. He liked how I stood up for myself? He wasn't angry at all? He was happy? He wasn't like... Asher?

The rest of school passed by in a blur with more practice for finals.

I breathed out a sigh of relief as I heard the final bell rang. I got up from my seat in such a rush I wound up spilling my water on my top. Great, a new top ruined. Oh boy, I sound like Jade right now.

I wiped and ringed at the wet spot, anything to get it to dry. Wasn't I supposed to take Allison home?

"Crap", I muttered under my breathe and ran out the classroom in a haste.

I wasn't even looking where I was going an ran into someone.

"Sorry I..." My apology died in my throat as the all to familiar cologne wafted up my nostrils and paralysed me in my spot. The scent repulsing me. But I couldn't even step back, I was to stunned and frozen in fear to act.

"Well hello again babe", I shuddered at his pet name for me. It made me want to throw up whatever was in my stomach. It was that repulsive.


"She's a devil! She made poor Madi run into him again?"

Yeah, yeah. Curse me all you want.

Oh, I got ideas for shipnames. But they're a bit crazy.

So if you don't want my crappy shipname for your beloved characters, start spewing some ship names like lava out of a volcano.

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