Chapter Six

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Madison's POV

"It's him", I muttered as I saw everyone gathering round. Probably alerted by the now shattered mug.

"No, it isn't! Madi calm down", I heard Allison trying to reassure me. But I was to far gone. I fell to the floor in a daze.

My mind once more clouded with fear. But unlike earlier, now I knew he knew where I was. And he was coming for me.

I felt my heart start to race once more as my blood ran cold. My memories of him played over and over in my head like a movie in an old movie player.

I felt countless shivers rum through me as my breathing became uneven. Until eventually, I was panting for air. My breathes coming and going laboured.

"Madi relax!"

"Calm down!"

"Somebody get Noah!"

I heard everyone's cries. But it was to late. Black dots started painting my vision, before black was all I could see...

"Why'd you have to tell her that?!" I heard the distinct voice of Piper scolding someone.

"She deserved to know okay!" Skylar yelled back in a defending tone.

"No she didn't. She completely freaked out over nothing!", Annelise stated.

"It's not 'nothing'!" Skylar defended once more.

"Yes it i..." Annelise was cut off by Jade.

"Skylar's right. It is something. Think about it. When have Skylar's dreams not come through? When have they ever been just dreams?"

I heard the door being opened and everyone going quiet.

My eyes began fluttering open. But it caused my brain to pound inside my cranium.

"Easy there", Allison told me gently.

Once I managed to open up my eyes, I was met with everyone. When I say everyone, I mean, everyone.

The girls were there. Aiden and his gang were there. Even Adison and Noah were there.

"Are you okay sweaty?" Jade asked as she passed her hands in my hair in a soothing way

I nodded at her in response.

"Great!" Suddenly Annelise pounced on me, "Cause now I can kill you myself for giving me a heart attack!"

"I did?" I asked, my voice coming out hoarse.

"Yeah! You should have seen her! She was full on panicking! She nearly passed out herself!" Evan joked.

"Hey, leave her alone! I thought she was cute", Lucas defended Annelise.

Annelise looked at him incredulously.

"Did. You. Just. Call. Me. Cute!" She enunciated each word. Lucas seemed to be eating his words as he eyed her with fear. He gulped.

"Run", was all Annelise told Lucas before he speed out the room with Annelise on his toe.

"I swear those two are made for each other", Jade shook her head.

My face fell as what Skylar had told me came creeping back to memory.

I saw the door being opened and the guys walking out.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jade questioned as she stopped trailing her hands through my hair.

"He's coming for me", I muttered loud enough to be heard as a stray tear escaped my eye.

"No one is coming for you", Jade tried to reassure me as she enveloped me in a hug.

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