Chapter Fifteen

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Madison's POV

I still stood frozen in shock, even as Asher brought himself closer to me than he already was. I was simply paralysed.

I couldn't even react as he all but pulled me harshly into a janitors closet.

The room was pitch dark. I soon felt Asher's hands begin to trail up my arm. I hadn't even noticed I was crying until I felt the hot liquid drop on my shoulder.

My entire body began to rack with sobs after that and Asher all but slammed me against the wall with his hands over my mouth to prevent any sounds escaping.

I was still paralysed and couldn't even move a millimeter.

It was only when I felt Asher's hands begin to trail up my top and to my clothed boobs did I snap out of paralysis and begin to trash about in his hold.

Which tighter around me to the point of crushing. But he didn't seem to care if I got hurt. Heck, he never ever cared.

He began pulling up my top roughly. When he thought it was to difficult against my trashing, he ripped it off without hesitation.

He then proceeded to unbutton my jeans.

This was it. Asher was going to take the only thing away from me which he hadn't before. My virginity. And then he was going to kill me and dispose of my body and no one would ever know.

With that thought in my head, I began fighting with renewed energy. I bit down into his hand and he jumped back. Surprised by my actions.

Before I knew it, a loud slap echoed throughout the janitors closet.

My cheek stung and I lifted my hand to the spot where he had slapped me. To many unwanted memories came flooding back at this and my tears came down in a waterfall.

Asher slammed me back against the wall, a little rougher this time.

He leaned I'm close to my ear.

"I doubt you'd want me to break more than your legs this time", he snared.

My eyes widened and I shook my head frantically. I was too afraid to even speak.

"Then stay put", he growled before he continued to pull down my jeans.

I couldn't even stop him. I didn't stop him. I was to afraid of him breaking me more than he already did. The first and last time he did that, I had to beg Adison not to tell Alli a thing.

If he broke my legs again, or even my arms this time, she'd know. They'd all know that I kept a secret away from the confidential pile. They'd think I was to weak and didn't deserve to be around them.

That was why I just stuck to the planning part of our missions, I couldn't even execute with the others. I couldn't even run anymore. I was too afraid Allison would find out. My own twin sister would hate me for keep this from her.

After I shut myself of from everyone, I guess Allison missed me so much she decided to become me. It was like we had switched roles. She became the jock and I became the quiet one.

The door of the janitors closet bolted open, causing Asher to pause pulling down my jeans and me to snap out of my daze.

The light streaming in caused my eyes to hurt for a few second. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw Aiden at the door.

He was standing there looking at Asher with murder painted in his green eyes, which were now a very dark shade of fury. His muscles bulged out more from his shirt as he strained to breathed properly.

All sense of rational seemed to vanish as he launched at Asher. Laying down punch after punch unto his despicable face.

Asher couldn't even react as Aiden beat him senseless.

Blood began dripping out of Asher's mouth and his eyes began closing. His body going limp.

"Aiden!" I called out through a sob.

Aiden paused bashing Asher's face in and turned to me, his eyes instantly softening and returning to their normal shade of green.

Aiden's knuckles were painted with blood, which I would like to believe was Asher's.

Aiden turned back menacingly to Asher.

"If I ever see you near her again. I will end you. This just got personal", Aiden warned Asher.

He got up of him and walked to me. His eyes remaining on mine and never straying to my half nude figure.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Concert dripping from his every word as he eyed me with the same emotion.

I whipped my tear stained eyes and nodded lightly. My neck feeling sore from the slap. I nearly winced in pain at it. But the next thing I'd want was for him to end Asher without a second thought.

Asher didn't deserve to live, but I didn't want the reason for his death to be me.

Without another word. Aiden threw his jacket over my shoulders and zipped it up. He then pulled back up my jeans and buttoned it back up. All the while never letting his eyes stray from mine.

My initial thoughts on Aiden were so wrong. He was nothing like Asher. He was the complete opposite.

He respected me when Asher nearly raped me. He came to my rescue when Asher broke me in more ways than one. He was worried about me when Asher wanted to kill me.

I wondered now, why did I ignore Aiden these past few days?

Hurray! Double update!

And I almost forgot I was supposed to be doing random facts about this book.

Random fact no. Two (I think, I can't remember) :

The book was not supposed to be named The Badboy And The Misunderstood Twin.

But in the heat of the moment, I named it that. I was going to change it, but then my cousin made me a wonderful cover, so I kept the name.

Besides, the name ties in with the story. At least with Madison being the misunderstood twin anyway. The only badboy moments Aiden will ever have is when he beats the shit out of people.

Like for instance, above  ^

Well that's all for now.


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