Chapter Ten

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Aiden's POV

I don't know what it was about Madison that had me drawn to her. But I wanted to find out. And I wanted to know about her. The real her.

I don't know what was preventing her from showing who she really was, but I was sure as hell going to find out.

For she knew, though, I could have been some creep. But even if she thought I was a creep, she never showed it. If anything she was always defensive, like she had something to protect or hide.

There was no doubt it had something to do with the guy from earlier. His eyes screamed danger. I didn't know how to ask her about it without her being all defensive, so I decided to talk to the next person that I thought would actually give me answers. Piper Ivy.

I knocked on her room door and heard a faint 'come in'. I entered and there on the bed sat Piper and Madison's twin, Allison.

"Hi, am I interrupting anything?" I asked and they both shook their heads no.

"No, can we help you?" Piper questioned back.

"It's about Madison if you don't mind me asking", I walked up to the bed where they were.

"What about Madison?" Allison asked.

"Her relation to that guy? The one from earlier?" I asked rather than stated.

They both seemed to tense up at the question. I guess I came to the wrong people then. They seemed pretty defensive over the topic too. But why?

"Why are you concerned over Madison?" Piper asked with a raised eyebrow.

I probably seemed like I was some sort of man whore now. Great job Aiden. Your about to marry Piper but you're concerned over her friend.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that", I shook my head and was ready to head out of the room when Piper held me back.

"No! Don't go!" She pulled me down onto her bed with ease. What was Mr. Ivy feeding her? She was strong enough to pull me down and I worked out. Man, these girls put guys to shame. Even me.

"We have to ask you something. And we need your honest opinion, before it's to late", Allison told me looking quite serious.

I nodded my head as an indication for her to continue, so she did.

"Do you like my sister? Do you like Madison?"

I was stunned to say the least. I didn't think that question was ever going to come up. Sure, I took interest in Madison. But did I like her?

I saw Piper looking expectantly at me. I couldn't say for sure if I liked Madison. It was hard to tell. I mean we only just met.

"We've seen how concerned you are for her. And you two are practically strangers. Tell us if you do Aiden, because once we tie the knot", Piper pointed between me and her, "There's no going back. And we obviously were both shoved into this".

I thought for a while about what Piper said. She was right, both Piper and I were forced into this and we didn't feel a slight thing for each other.

It was different with Madison though. I felt like there was something that made me interested in her from the moment I saw her. I was intrigued by her every action and  was beginning to worry about her. Never in my life have I ever felt so attracted to a girl.

So without further hesitation, I answered the two girls who were eagerly awaiting my answer.

"Yeah, I do like her", was my reply before the two fell back on the bed with sighs of relief.

"Oh thank God, we thought we were going to have to force you to like her. No offense, but I don't think you're my Mr. Right", Piper stated, still plopped on the bed.

"Let me warn you though, you break my sister's heart and I will not hesitate to feed yours to Piper's lion", Allison warned.

I looked at her wide eyed. Yeah, I knew the Annelise girl was a bit crazy, but not the others. I thought they'd be a bit more sane.

"If you need romantic advice, see Jade. But beware, Annelise is with her", Piper warned playfully. Unlike Allison.

I think nice isn't in her vocabulary. I mean, she was the muscles of their gang after all. No guts, no glory, right?

I shook my head and got out of the room. Walking down the hallway with the realisation that I liked Madison.

It was crazy really. We'd just met, and already my head was full of images of her.

I was so caught up, I didn't notice I ran into someone.

"Sorry..." I looked up to see a flustered looking Blake. What the hell?!

"What happened to you?" I asked trying to sniffle a laugh. I mean come on! My second in command was a flustered mess with a growing pink splotch on his cheek. Seriously now he's blushing?!

It's no everyday you see him blush. In fact, he never has. The guy is as cold as stone, or so I thought.

"I kissed her", he muttered. Barely above a whisper.

"What? Kissed who?" I asked completely shocked.

"I kissed Skylar okay!" Blake announced.

I door from besides us flew open and Annelise popped out.

"You did what?!" She screeched with a mad grin.

I was thinking, how'd you guys like to hear some random facts about the book.

Here's fact no. One:

I never plan my chapters, I just go with the flow.


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