Chapter Eight

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Madison's POV

"W-what are you saying?" Piper stammered looking quite drained as I was.

A splash of guilt crossed Mr. Ivy's eyes as he took in his daughter's expression. But it was gone as soon as it came. He was to pride driven to even consider his daughter's emotions or anyone's emotions.

I would be surprised if Asher was really his son. But I guess he really was since Mr. Ivy admitted to it without hesitation. Both Mr. Ivy and Asher had something in common, the menacing glint in both their eyes. Like father like son.

"When your mother and I first met, we were wild and out of it. She left after a while and I didn't know she was pregnant", Mr. Ivy sighed before continuing, "When she came back into town, I proposed and we were soon married. She had left our son with her parents so I wouldn't know.

"It was only after you were born did she finally crack and tell me about him. I was going to bring him here. I wanted to raise my son. But them I got news she was from and enemy gang and that's when we had our fall out".

Piper looked incredulously at her father. We all did.

"So you knew all along that that sicko was my brother and you never took him! You let him or loose destroying people's lives!" Piper exclaimed. I knew who she was referring to as 'people', me.

Sky squeezed Piper's shoulders and shook her head at her. Probably warning her not to let slip anything from the confidential pile. Specifically my past.

"Well! Your little Prince of terror! Why don't you go after him now?! Instead you want me to take his spot! Isn't that it?! You never cared for me! Not one bit!" Piper stormed out of there before any of us could react.

Jade was about to go after her, but Skylar held her back.

"Give her some time to cool off" Skylar explained.

Without another word, Mr. Ivy left too.

It was night now. Allison and I decided to stay at Sussurro in case Asher was still out there.

I was just finishing up my snack when a knock sounded at the door.

Surprised, I dropped my snack. The poor sandwich now splattered across the floor of Skylar's room.

Skylar, who unfortunately was there to, sent me a death glare.

"Dude, seriously?" She asked seemingly calm. Then again, it was always her aura. Deathly calm.

Whoever was at the door, knocked once more and Skylar sighed before opening the door.

"Annelise, I swear if I get a pie to the face ag..." Skylar began in a warning tone as she opened the door. But stopped mid way when she noticed it wasn't Anna.

I was surprised to see Blake and Aiden at the threshold.

"Who's Annelise?" Aiden enquired with a raised eyebrow.

"The annoying girl with silver hair your idiot keeps chasing after", I heard Skylar respond. I almost laughed at what she referred to Lucas as and how she described Annelise.

"Can we help you? Piper's room is down that way", Skylar pointed down the hall.

"Actually, I'm here to meet the other girl from today", Aiden stated.

"Her", he pointed at me where I was sitting on the bed.

"Well, I'm not her guardian, she's a free human. So ask her yourself", Skylar stated before coming back to her bed.

Aiden and Blake entered in and came towards me.

"Can we talk? Aiden enquired. I looked into his eyes to get at least an idea of what he would want to talk about, but got none.

"Sure", I reluctantly got up. Aiden and I exited Skylar's room. I expected for Blake to follow along. But he didn't, he stayed with Skylar.

"Why isn't he coming along?" I asked Aiden referring to Blake.

Aiden, whose eyes were glued to the floor, looked up at me.

"I wanted to talk to you alone. I don't know why he stayed behind in the room though", Aiden told me.

I glanced up at him.

"Why'd you want to talk?" I asked.

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