Chapter 4: Billionare

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"Flashing a smile." I replied with little emotion, "Thinking that one look will make me go weak in the knees and forget every moronic and manipulative thing you've ever done to me." My words were cold, crisp and clear. I didn't bat an eye at his change of expression; his grin disappeared quickly transforming into irritation and annoyance.
"I'm aware that you wrote me off as the bad guy a long time ago."
"Good. Then why are we talking about this again or am I really supposed to believe something else?" I impatiently placed one arm on my hip.
"I think it would be an improvement of your character if tried not assuming things for once, or being defensive all the time. Not everyone in this world is out to hurt you Niki."
"I'm aware they aren't. Why I don't distance myself from those that I trust."
"You used to trust me."
"Yeah. I did and you lost it for good reason. I stuck around a long time Oliver. Times when I didn't have to so don't make it seem like I was irrational or left without trying. We both know what happened so stop playing the victim card."
With that final statement I marched back inside. The evening needed to end now. I was ready to go home.
The evening was almost over, and after our little spat out of the terrace Oliver was particularly quite and aloof, which only confirmed my suspicions that he went to this meeting for his own benefit instead of the companies. Not something that surprised me though. That was a trademark attribute of Oliver Queen and, overall, the billionaire, playboy proclivity. Tony accustomed me to that so one would assume I'd hold a higher rate of judgement and intuition but I suppose everyone's discernment proves to be flawed at one time or another. Case in point, I was looking forward to retreating from the barrage of flashbacks and there was no way in hell Rhodey was getting 60$ bucks out of me. Not after the scam he pulled tonight. Thankfully, Pepper was passing out the final closings. She wouldn't let Tony screw around much longer.
"It's been a pleasure meeting with you gentlemen." She concluded with a snap of her brief case: she then proceeded to whisper something short into Tony's ear. She was reminding him that it was time to wrap up.
"Walk with me." She whispered quietly as she passed my seat and waltzed her towards the main entrance.
"Gladly." I whispered with a short smile and gathered up my things.
It felt so good to get away from things. Even better knowing that I was getting to go home and wouldn't have to deal with a certain individuals company anymore. Kind of a shame that Tony still had to tag along though but I came to terms that I'd never be rid of him anytime soon.
"Feeling better?" Pepper remarked, knowingly, as she observed the tension radiate out of my neck and spine.
"Immeasurably." I smiled peacefully and took in a large inhale as we made our way outside the restaurant.
"So how did your lecture go this evening?"
I gave her a puzzled expression and she shot me a knowing one.
"Sometimes, Pepper, I swear your psychic."
She chuckled lightly, "No. I just know both you and Tony, extremely, well." She exaggerated the last part before giving me a large smile and playful shove.
"Yeah, you do and I hate." I countered quickly. She laughed again, "I take it as compliment. It means you trust me."
"Do I though?" I teased slightly as my voice rang some sarcasm and skepticism.
"Oh come Niki. You know you don't have to be so defensive around us. Or aggressive for that manner. Tony just likes to get under your skin. He enjoys having someone who can banter on his level of pettiness."
My mouth went immediately agape and she gave a sheepish smile. I shot her a playful glare.
"I'm not petty. Tony's a toddler who needs babysitting and pacifier."
She gave a humorous scoff, "I don't deny that at all, but seriously Niki, don't be so on guard when your around these guys. Especially, Oliver. They're all talk. And you know people can change." Her last sentence stung sharply. She had me with her until she finished with that line.
"I'm defensive because of my job." I began slowly as my mind drifted off to a few other places.
"Your job in bio-chemistry and finance requires you to be defensive and snarky?" Her remark was skeptical but playful at the same time. I shook my head before invoking sarcasm, "Yes, it so does."
She chuckled at my wit but I only smiled. My tampering in accounting, statistics and biological engineering wasn't exactly what I was referring to. Though I suppose you must be cautious in any position. One mistake in stock could loose you millions and another in lab work could result in severe consequences but I let her believe what she wanted. Though she practically helped raised, there were still things in my life that, her and Tony, just weren't apart or aware of. I hoped they never had to be.
"And people don't change." I added on after a second or too of thinking. She gave a disapproving look.
"Maybe not as much as we expect but know one is ever beyond recovery. Take Tony for example." She was trying to remain hopeful and optimistic but often fell into the realm of realism and facts. I've seen a lot more of the world and the people in it than she knew off.
"Your point?" I questioned dryly and laughed at her insulted look.
"Hey, I put a lot of work in him Missy!"
"Did you though?" Was all I could get out before laughing.
"Listen here you!" She pointed her finger directly at my nose before wrapping both arms around my shoulders and squeezing me close to her.
"So did you tell him of good?"
I laughed as I leaned back into her hold.
"Oh you know it." I sassed before smirking.
"Just try not be to be too harsh on him huh." My smile felt slightly.
"After all, I've heard good thing about this Green Arrow. It seems Oliver is finding his place in society.
"So it seems." I grumbled to myself.
"Cheer up girl. We'll be home before you know it." 
I nodded satisfied that I'd get to endure some peace. Right after I finished murdering Happy and Rhodey of course. Oh and if Sam and Coulson thought they were off the hook also. They had another thing coming to them.

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