Chapter 64: Just A Glimpse

Start from the beginning

We all slumped in our seats just a few minutes after singing our hearts out. After that, some of us put on our earbuds, and others of us watched movies on our phones.

Me, being the person I am, I decided to dig into the five course meal I bought myself at 2:30 in the morning.

"Woah. Are you eating for two?" Megan, my teammate, noticed my three bags of food that I decided to get out.

I gave her a side eye. "No."

"Then, what's with all this food?"

I took out my large fry and my cheeseburger. "Before games, my Mom would always buy me McDonald's. She had this theory that if I ate this big fatty meal, then I would use it to give me energy during the game, but also burn off all the calories."

I took a big bite of my burger, as Megan continued to ask me questions. "Lia...three bags of food? How can you possibly eat all of that? I mean you're so little."

"If I gave you some food, would you let me be?" I shook one of the bags I had in front of her. She took it instantly, opening it and stuffing her face with fries.

"You're the best." She moaned.

"I know."

"God!" Someone scoffed behind us. "What is that stench?"

We looked at the seat in back of us and sure enough, Tori, the head pitcher and team bitch was staring us down like we were her next meal. Megan and I continued to stare at her innocently, chewing the piece of food we had in our mouth.

"Really, Lia? Why would you fill up the bus with that greasy, disgusting smell?"

"Because I'm hungry?" I shrugged.

"Watch yourself, Lia. If you eat too much, you might get fat and then Andrew will have no choice but to dump you."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

How dare she? How dare she fat shame anyone? Everyone is beautiful the way they are. Besides, I'm sure if I was a little heavier, Andrew would still like me regardless.


To retaliate, I burped loudly towards her, and then blew. She instantly grimaced, and sat back down in her seat with defeat. Megan chuckled, and we high-fived each other.

"Why does Tori hate everyone?" I asked Megan.

"Not everyone, just you."

I gave her a look of confusion. She took that as a clue to add more information.

"Every since you started talking to Andrew, she's been all mean and nasty. But now, since you guys are dating, she practically envies you so much that she hates you. She's liked Andrew ever since he first arrived at Eastwood."

"Well that's just great."

"There's more." Megan added. "Tori's been complaining so much about your relationship with Andrew, that the rest of the team is starting to side with her. Everyone, well except for me, isn't too fond of you."

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