Chapter 63: First Official Date

Start from the beginning

I asked him why he wanted a picture. He said 'We didn't have any pictures together. He needed something to put in a picture frame in his room'.

So, I put the picture of us in my locker along with the others. It just felt right.

I felt strong, masculine hands around my waist and a strong male cologne on my nose. I leaned into his touch, already having known who he is.

"Baby." Andrew nuzzles my ear. "How are you feeling?"

I released his arms from my waist to turn to him.

"I'm a bit nervous. It seems like the whole student body is going to this game." I scan the premises, noting the huge line by the ticket table.

Andrew seemed to notice my worries look, so he put his warm palm on my cheek, and turned me to face him. He smiles warmly.

"There's nothing for you to worry about. You're going to do fine. I promise."

"Really? You think so?" I sighed. "I'm so stressed out. It's like everything I see it's about softball and the championship. And then when I think of the championship, I think about the fact that if we don't win, I lose everything."

"Hey, what about me? You won't lose me. I'll still have the same feelings for you, even if you win or lose." I moaned, and he continued. "I know the championship is important right now. I know your whole future is riding on this game. I can't imagine how you must be feeling."

I turned to face my locker. "I honestly don't really know how I'm feeling."

He turns me over again. "Okay, what about this? I've made reservations at a really nice Italian restaurant just ten minutes away from your house. Why don't I get your mind off of all this stress?"

"You mean, like, a date?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah. It could be like our first official date. Plus, I wanted to spend time with you before you go off to the game. I know I probably won't have much time with you, even if I come."

"That sounds really, really, really amazing. What time will you come pick me up?"

He leans closer to me, and I back up into the locker. He puts his forehead on top of my forehead, and I shut my eyes.

I can't tell you how bad my heart is fluttering.

"5:00. Dress nice and de-stress." He gives me a long, sweet kiss on the lips. He lingers there for a moment, before he pulls away and walks down the hallway to his class.

I sign, leaning my head against my locker. Sometimes I really think Andrew will get me in trouble. His eyes, his smolder, his abs. Everything about him is so intoxicating, and I get so addicted.

He's a drug that I just can't get enough of.

A beautiful drug.

And I can't wait to see my beautiful drug tonight.


After school, Lina and I had reserved some time to go ahead and find a dress for tonight. It took us quite a while actually, considering I have a very specific style and if I don't see myself wearing it, then I refuse to buy it. Even with Lina's influences. We all know she's the queen of beauty and fashion. I admire her taste, but it's just

She tried to get me in this bodycon dress, and I felt like I was being squeezed into a cosmic hole. It didn't feel pleasant. Plus, my ass felt like it was going to fall out at any second.

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