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Dumbledore appeared in front of Wool's Orphanage and memories of last time he was there comes back and he makes a promise to himself that he won't fail this one as he decided to save this child before any damage can be done. He walked into the rundown building and looked for the the woman in charge, once he found her he told her that he wanted to adopt a certain child. By saying this the woman looked him up and down staring at his long grey/white beard wondering why a man of his age will want to adopt a child and especially this child who had done strange things with their mind and causes the rest of the kids to go running. As if he noticed her hesitation Dumbledore spoke up " I would like to make this quick ma'am I've got a bag of sherbet lemons at home waiting for" . This caused the woman to laugh and brought him to the room where the child was waiting, she unlock the door and in the room stood a five year old girl with long black hair and pale skin and grey eyes . The woman spoke up gaining the girls attention "hey I mean Cassiopeia there's a man here to adopt you so pack your things your leaving". Cassiopeia scowled at the woman " do I get a choice or are you that desperate to get rid of me" for a young girl Cassiopeia did know how to voice her opinion whether they wanted it or not . Dumbledore looked at there with amusement in his eyes " no my dear no one is forcing you but I will tell you this where I live no one will judge you for your abilities" , Cassiopeia now looked at Dumbledore for the first time wondering how he knew of what she can do , she was about to speak up but Dumbledore stoped her by looking at the owner of the Orphanage "would you mind if me and Cassiopeia had a moment alone please" the woman nodded and walked out of the room.
"Now I think it's about time I introduced my self , my name is Albus Dumbledore and I'm the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and normally a child of your ability will get a letter after their eleven years old but for you I would like to make a special arrangement and ask you to let me adopt you and you would live at Hogwarts from here on out" He said with a kind smile Cassiopeia just stared at him then asked " does that mean I'm a witch" " yes that means your a witch and a powerful one at that , so would you like to come live at Hogwarts". Cassiopeia thought about the mans offer and thought about her life at the Orphanage and how she is treated by the other kids and how she is called freak by everyone who sees here , then she came to the conclusion that anywhere is better then the place she was forced to call home for as long as she can remember.
" yes"

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