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I have been avoiding Eric the past week, since then we have gained 3 new werewolves from the attacked pack. 2 girl and on boy, the girls are 18 and 17 sister's,  the boy is 19. All around very respectable kids for their age, still shaken up the boy screams at night I often go to his room when he wake in the terror and help him back to sleep. Its starting to wear on me though,  my pregnancy is speeding up I now look 4 months in and it feels like im 7 months in.

    My elders have become distant in all of this making me depend on only me and no one els. Gabe has been a little preoccupied with his Mate, this is all rough right now. Ritchey is still in my head making me go insane,  all this stress isnt good for the baby.

    A knock on my door makes me snap out of my thoughs, I take a deep breath. Please dont let it be a new one already.....

    "Come in."

    Eric walks in and I immediately wish its was Gabe coming to tell me a new one has been found. He sits on the bed across from me, its silent when hes around and I thank god for that. All the thoughts just stop and I finally get a break, a tear falls from my face so much emotions in one body should be illegal.

   His fingers wipe the tears away, he slids next to me pulling me in his arms and the sobs just pour out of me like water from a glass. He says nothing,  he just lets me cry on him this is what I needed, I haven't cried all week I havent mourned the death of my mate fully nor the pain of staying strong threw all of this. Now I am I and I can tell you it feels like knives are being pulled out of my head and heart.

    You know he just wants to take over the pack and kill you right, the only one you could trust was me. You know you still love me.

      Your wrong about everything so why dont you just fuck off.
    I need to get him out of my head ASAP! I can not handle this shit anymore,

    "Eric I need to tell you something."

    He looks at me for a second.

       "Ritcheys link wont break he keeps talking to me and its driving me insane."

     "Why are you barely telling me this?"

     "Ive just been so busy with the new comers, I haven't had any time to even breath it feels."

   He takes a deep breath.

    "You need to have a sort of exorcism. Only wolf elders can do it and we have none."

    His grip on me loosens I feel so drained, its 9:00pm and in about 2 hours the screaming will start. Before I could even get a minute of sleep the screaming starts earlier, I sigh and get up. Eric grabs my hand and tells me to lay back down,

   "Ill get him you need to sleep."

   I nod my head, I wait for 10 min and he finally comes back.

      "Why didnt you go to sleep?"

    "To many thoughts,  they only go away when your around."

    "Then I shall sleep here with you. Gabe!!!!"

   Gabe enters the room.

    "Can you bring baby cam and his crib up here please."

   He nods his head a starts bring in the crib and puts Cam to sleep, Eric wrapps his arms around my waist his chest to my back. The slumber hits me like a brick wall, the best feeling in the world is this, pure healthy sleep.

     I feel my hands being pinned down, I wake up slowly seeing Eric hovering over me. His eyes full of lust, my core heats up as he kisses my neck gently. His teeth bite my neck but not hard just enough for it to feel good.

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