I need you like I need air.

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     I go downstairs to check on James seeing that the dilo has fallen out He jumps seeing me and I giggle.

     "Oh james..."

     I walk over to him smiling,  I see that he had actually shit himself,  what a nasty fuck. I look at him he's crying awe I feel kind of bad, hmmm it smells horrible in here. I walk back out nit being able to stand the smell, im met at the top of the stairs by Ritchy.

     "What were you doing down there?"

       "I was going to beat him more but I couldn't handle the smell."

      He looks down on me with that sexy smirk...


   I ask.

   "Wanting seconds."

     I smile pulling his to me kissing him lightly,

      "You can wait till morning for now I must sleep."




.     Ritchy pov.

     "So when are you going to tell her?"

         "Dude honestly I dont know. I dont know how she is going to take it, Im just happy James didnt get her pregnant."

       "I think shes going to be very confused finding out what we are."

     "Yeah and royaly pissed off. She has been threw so much being here I don't know if she will stay."

    "Well she cant leave we all know that. it'd literally hurt her. She wont believe me or any of us and the worst part is shes pregnant by me I can smell it on her."

     "Ritchy you should have told her sooner."

         "I know Damon I know!!! I just didnt want to freak her out more than she already has been."

       "We cant change it even if we wanted too. She doesn't even know what she is. She has been killing the other part of her with drugs.... And now that she is off the drugs its going to show."

      "Maybe I should just let the change start to happen then explain it to her."

     "Yeah Ritchy that sounds way better."

         "I better get some sleep guys. Yall better sleep as well."

    I go up stairs seeing Dreana sitting up.

       "Baby whats wrong?"

    "I dont know my bones hurt and my head is killing me."

    I hide my smile looking at her, shes so beautiful.

      "Why are you looking at me like that?"

         "Your just beautiful."

    "I dont feel very beautiful right now baby  can you get me some medicine."

    Shit she cant take pills....

      "We dont have any."

   I say a little bit to quickly.

       "Your a drug lord and you don't have pain meds.... Is there something going on?"

     "No baby just dont want you on any type kf drug."

Settling My Debt ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now