Marriage, A Dream Come True

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CHAPTER 26 - Marriage, A Dream Come True

Maria squealed with excitement, causing Seth to open the door. She covered her mouth when he popped his head in, and we both burst into laughter. "Did I miss somethin'?" He asked with a grin. Maria hugged me one last time as Miss Smith and ran to Seth.

"Come on!" She grabbed his arm and drug him out the door. I took a few deep breaths while looking at myself in the mirror. I pulled my veil over my face and just stared at the woman looking at me. I had grown a lot in the past year. Not just physically, but mentally. I learned to love, trust, and forgive. I learned how to handle things that were out of my hands. I found someone that I loved and had a baby with him. Now I was about to marry him. I had done the last two out of order, but better late than never.

Zach walked in and interrupted my thoughts. "It's time." He said with a smile. I returned it and walked to him and took his arm. He was going to walk me down the aisle, but we had asked the preacher not to ask who it was that was giving me away. That would just make it weird. With one last deep breath, we stepped into what was called the waiting room of the church. Autumn was in front of me, in her little white dress Elizabeth had made for her and her flower basket. She leaned her head back to look at me and smiled. I smiled back at her and she faced forward when it was her que to start walking and throwing flowers.

Abigail had made sure to put daisies everywhere. The church was covered in flowers. My bouqet was composed of the same color daisies, yellow, with wild flowers mixed in. It was time to start walking and when I couldn't move, Zach gave me a reassuring smile. I found the power to take that first step into the church. I hoped no one would notice the scar on my shoulder.

___(Start music here)______

I could see Cole, standing there up front with a nice suit on. I had to beg him to wear it, but he eventually gave in. Seth took his spot next to him as his 'best man'. John was next to Seth as a 'groomsman'. Maria was opposite of them with Elizabeth next to her and Autumn stood next to her mother. We didn't have a ring bearer, so Cole had our rings in his pocket. I prayed he hadn't lost them.

Everyone stood as we entered the sanctuary. I bit my lip and glanced around. Everyone was smiling and I couldn't help but let the smile spread across my face. Dr. Jack was sitting in the back, along with a few men I didn't know. Abigail was in the front row with Britt. I felt the lump in my throat when I saw him. I turned my eyes to Cole, who was standing there just as calm as ever with his hands in front of him. I wanted to cry, to let some of the happiness out of my body, but I held it in.

We reached the front of the church and Cole stepped down to take my hand from his father's. Zach placed our hands together and then turned to take his place next to Abigail. Cole and I looked at each other and I bit down on my lip to keep the tears from spilling over. He was everything I wanted.

We stepped up and stood in front of the preacher, who asked everyone to sit. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join in Holy Matrimony, Miss Cassidy Marie Smith and Mr. Zachary Cole Mason." My eyes widened and Cole surpressed a laugh. I didn't know he was named after his father. He rolled his eyes at me. "Is there any man who can show just cause as why they may not be lawfully joined together as man and wife? Please speak now or forever hold your peace."

No one said anything, or at least I didn't hear them. I was lost in Cole's eyes. The preacher continued, "This man and this woman have come here today to seek the blessing of God and His Church upon their marriage. I require, therefore, that you promise, with the help of God, to fulfil your obligations which Christian marriage demands."

My heartbeat was so loud in my ears that I thought everyone could hear it. I stared at Cole until I heard the preacher begin to speak to him. "Do you, Cole, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to honor her, through richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to forsake all others and to be faithful to her until death do you part?"

"I do." He said with his crooked grin.

It was my turn. Cole looked so beautiful that I couldn't concentrate on what the preacher was saying. "Do you, Cassidy, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love, obey and to honor him, through richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to forsake all others and to be faithful to him until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you have the rings?" The preacher quietly asked Cole. he pulled them out of his pocket and handed one to me. He took my left hand in his and held the ring in the other. "Please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"As a symbol of my love,"

"As a symbol of my love."

"And devotion unto you."

"And devotion unto you."

I was forgetting how to breathe. The preacher continued, "With this ring, I now join my life to yours."

"With this ring, I now join my life to yours." Cole slipped the gold band on my ring finger and I felt the tears run down my face. He squeezed my hand and I noticed a slight gimmer in his eye. I prayed he wouldn't cry, I would really lose it then.

"Cassidy, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"As a symbol of my love,"

"As a symbol of my love."

"And devotion unto you."

"And devotion unto you."

"With this ring, I now join my life to yours."

Shakily, I repeated the last line. "With this ring, I now join my life to yours." I blinked furiously at the tears as I slid the gold ring onto his finger.

"By the power vested in me by God and the Church, I now pronounce you man and wife. Those whom God has joined let no one put asunder. You may now kiss your bride."

Cole lifted my veil, then grabbed me and kissed me, gently. I held him so tight I thought I might break him. He did the same to me. I didn't want his lips to leave mine, but he pulled away and gave me his crooked grin. I couldn't believe it. I was now, Mrs. Cole Mason. I looked up into his eyes as we turned to face the congregation, who all stood and cheered for us. I even heard Britt laughing.

      "Now I present to you, Mister and Misses Zachary Cole Mason."

Seth and Maria took arms and walked in front, followed by John and Elizabeth. Autumn skipped along behind them and Cole and I took our first step as husband and wife. We walked down the aisle together and everyone followed us. All screaming and shouting. Laughing and crying. When we reached the two open doors of the church and stepped outside, Cole dipped me and kissed me hard. The crowd behind us was louder than ever, but I didn't hear a thing.

I was the picture of happiness as Abigail handed Britt over to Cole. We made our way down the stone steps in front of the church and got on Cole's horse. I held Britt as I held onto my husband. Cole leaned back to kiss me one more time before we rode away. I didn't know where we were going from here, and I didn't care. Cole was officially mine and I was his. I now had everything I ever wanted and more. The sun was setting on this chapter of my life and with the morning sunrise, it would begin another.


a/n: I hope ya'll loved this one as much as the last! Thank all of you who have taken the time to read, comment, and vote. It makes writing worth it when other people enjoy what comes out of my head just as much as I do! I have wonderful fans and I wouldn't trade ya'll for the world!! :)

There is going to be a third and last book. It's about Britt, the cover is in the side bar so check that out! I'm going to do some major editing before starting on it, so give me a few days and I'll have the first chapter up! If anyone can come up with a better cover for this book I would be truly grateful :) It doesn't have to say Saloon girl, just "The Outlaw's Return". Also, I liked the song I picked for the wedding scene, but if anyone has anything better please share that with me so I can post it!

Thank you all again for being so great and supportive and reading my stories! I love ya'll!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)

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