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John's POV

       The next night we stopped just past the border to make camp. I didn't sleep much and I didn't think Catherine did either. She tossed and turned on her sleeping bag just as I had done until I decided to just get up. I sat on the back of the wagon for a long time. The sun had started to turn the sky a light blue and then a pink before I woke Catherine. We got everything together and started deeper into Mexico. Things about this place seemed familiar to me, but so far the only memory that had come back to me was the one about my fight with Cole Mason.

     Catherine was rubbing her stomach and had her eyes closed. "What's wrong?"

     "Oh, nothin'. Just got a little nauseated for a minute. I'm fine now." She smiled at me and I could see why I would want to be with her. She had a pretty smile and pretty eyes, but that wasn't enough to have an affair over. From what I remembered of Mason, he wasn't enough to make an affair over either. I just couldn't remember why Cassidy had left me. I racked my brain over and over and nothing would ever come to me. I felt helpless.

       "We can stop in Escalera and eat at their dinner. That is, if you like Mexican food." I nodded but didn't speak. I was hungry. "It's only an hour to Cassidy from there." I felt my heart skip a beat and I pushed the excitement away just as soon as it had come. No reason to be excited over it, she left me for another man.

        The dinner was on the ridge above the hotel. I stopped the wagon outfront and we went inside. I was expecting to see a lot of Mexican's working there, but I was greeted by a short, skinny man who was missing one of his front teeth. Catherine and I sat at one of the far tables and ordered our food. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't that great either. We ate fairly quickly and soon after we were back in the wagon.

       "Just follow this road south. I'll tell you when it's time to turn." Catherine said as we left Escalera. I held the reigns and kept the horses on the road, going south just as she said.


        Elizabeth showed Cole and I the room we would share before she started on supper. I took Britt's bag into the room and dropped it on the floor by the bed. Cole sat on the bed and looked at me. "How you feelin'?"

       "Better." I answered with a smile. I sat next to him and he wrapped his arm around me. I leaned into him and relaxed. I couldn't stop thinking about what Seth had said. Why would he love me? I thought maybe he meant it in a way like family, but the look in his eyes said something else. I kept it to myself. That was the last thing I needed to tell Cole. Today had been great and I wanted to keep it that way.

       "Maw just won't put Britt down." Cole said with his grin. I was happy she loved him and accepted us. I was also thankful for the break. I fell over on my back and closed my eyes. Cole lay back next to me and turned his head to face me. "I love you."

      "I love you, too." I smiled at him and closed my eyes again. Before long, I'd fallen asleep.

         "Sweetheart, wake up so you can get you somethin' to eat." Cole said from the side of the bed. I opened my eyes to see him and I sat up on the old creaky bed. "You went out like a light."

       "How long have I been asleep?" I asked in my 'just woke up' voice.

       "'Bout an hour." I felt like I'd slept longer, but that was okay. At least I hadn't wasted the rest of the day. I brushed my hair and swept it up into a loose bun at the nape of my neck. I didn't feel like braiding it.

       "She has risen!" Seth called as I stepped into the kitchen. I didn't look at him, but I felt him looking at me. I sat in the chair Cole pulled out for me and he pulled out the one next to me to sit in. Elizabeth was bringing everyone bowls of something that smelled wonderful. Zach sat at the head of the table and Abigail was at his right. Seth was across from her and I was next to her. Elizabeth's empty chair was across from me and Autumn was sitting across from Cole. Jack sat at the opposite end of Zach. After Elizabeth had served everyone at the table she took her place next to Seth, who was occasionally glancing at me. I ignored him, that was all I could think to do since now he'd made everything awkward.

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