The Winds Are Picking Up

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     Cole and I walked to the hotel from the saloon and got settled in our room. “I couldn't find Maria.” I told him as I placed Britt on the bed so I could change him. Cole looked like he was going to comment, but quickly changed to the subject of what I was about to do.

     “Do you have to do that right there?” He asked with a small grin. I laughed at him.

     “Where else would you like me to change him?” I asked while scanning the small room.

     “Well, jus' holler at me when you get done with that."

     Just as I was finishing with Britt, I heard a huge commotion from downstairs. The loud voice was followed by quick footsteps up the stairs and then a gasp as they reached the door. It was silent only for a moment. Then I heard what sounded like someone getting slapped. I opened the door to see Cole holding the side of his face. “You, bitch! What the hell was that for?” He yelled at someone on the other side of him. I peeked around his shoulder to see Maria.

      “Maria!” I screamed as I pushed Cole to the side to get to her. I grabbed her and hugged her for all she was worth.

      “Honey, you're gonna break my arms off!” She said through her laughter. “I'm so glad you came back, Cassie, I've missed you!”

       “I've been so excited to get here and see you. You gotta come see Britt!” I called as I ran into the hotel room. Maria followed me and stopped beside me next to the bed where Britt was lying.

       “Oh, Cassidy. He's beautiful.” Maria said as she admired my baby. “And you! You've lost all your baby fat!”

      “Not quite, but I'm gettin' there.”

      “What is he doin' here?” Maria asked while giving Cole a disgusted look. He apparently took it offensive. Just as he was about to defend himself, I did it for him.

      “Cole and I are gettin' married soon. We're back together and we're gonna raise our son... together.” I added the last word while looking at him. He leaned his shoulder against the door frame and smirked at Maria. She huffed and turned her attention back to Britt.

      “I'm gonna hold him.” She said as she picked him up. That was Maria, she always announced what she was going to do instead of asking, which was okay because I didn't mind. I was so happy to see her and happy that she could see Britt.

      “Darlin, Ima' go get us somethin' to eat. I'll be back after while.” Cole said just before turning to leave. He had that look that said 'I'm giving you some time together' and I was thankful that he didn't mind. I was so giddy with happiness.

      “Where is John?” Maria finally asked. I felt my heart sink into my stomach as his name rolled off her tongue.

    “I don't know.” I knew she could hear the sadness in my voice. Her smile faded and she scrunched her eyebrows at me.

      “What do you mean?”

     I knew I was going to have to tell her, so I did. She and I sat on the bed and I told her all about James and Catherine and how Cole had come to save me. I told her John had disappeared and I didn't know where he was or even if he was still alive. I hoped he was, but I couldn't know for sure. Maria looked sad, but only for a few minutes as she took in the whole story.

       “Well... you have this beautiful baby and your dysfunctional gunslingin' lover boy is here. There is no reason not to be happy. There are always casualties in war, honey. Everythin' always works out for the best. I'm sure John is fine.” Her voice faded off at the end as she thought about it. She liked John and thought the world of him. She had told me so in one of her letters. She was right, things did always work out for the best and if John really was gone forever, maybe it was just his time.

     Maria and I talked for hours and she helped me with Britt. She was good at calming him and we used the quiet moments to gossip like we used to do. I told her about Claire and she told me all the dirty secrets that were going around in the saloon. Some were just down right ridiculous, but then again some were believable. We laughed and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It was nice to have someone to talk to and laugh with, especially someone I had been close to for so long. I was enjoying her company, but I was keeping her from the saloon and I knew she had to get back to work. I didn't bring it up though, I wanted her to stay as long as she could. She finally announced that she needed to get back, but we made plans to see each other in the morning before Cole and I were to leave.

      I was rocking Britt back and forth when Cole came through the door. He had a sack of what smelled like cornbread. I was partially right. “This is Mexican cornbread. It's pretty damn good.” Cole said as he stuffed a whole piece into his mouth. I tried it and had to admit that it actually was just as he said, pretty damn good.

     “Where did you get this?” I asked after finishing the piece I had pulled out of the bag. Cole swallowed the huge mass in his mouth so he could give me an answer.

     “Seth got it from the General Store. They jus' got done cookin' when he went in there and he got us all some. I'm glad too, I'm starvin'.” He shoved another piece in his mouth and walked to the window. I giggled at him and shook my head.


John's POV

     “Howdy, partner. You need a ride?” The man smiling at me was fat and starting to bald. He wore glasses and a nice suit. I nodded and jumped into the wagon. I made myself comfortable and thanked him. “Where ya' headin', Mister?” He asked with a bright smile.

     “I don't really know, I'm tryin' to get home to my wife. The only problem is I don't know where I am.” I answered honestly. The man looked empathetic.

     “That's alright. You're about two miles from Hudson Ranch. Is that where you're headed?”

      I thought about it, and it didn't ring any bells. I had remembered somethin' about a place with the word West in it, so I thought I'd ask him. “You know of place called West somethin'?”

     “West Wood? That's about a 3 hour ride from here mister. There's a stage at the ranch, I'll put you on it and send you right back home.” He was no doubt a kind soul and I was grateful he had come along. I thanked him several times on the way to Hudson Ranch, and then one last time as he saw me off on the stage. I'd still be wandering around in circles if it hadn't been for him.

      I decided to take a short nap while we traveled to West Wood. I felt this pain in my chest, like it was from my heart. The more I thought about my wife, Cassidy, the worse it felt. I missed her so much and I couldn't wait to see her.


     Cole finished his cigarette and thumped it out the window. This was a scene I'd seen him in several times before and it brought back memories. Seth had found a cradle in the storage room and brought it up for Britt. I had put him down a few minutes before putting myself in bed. I was ready for some sleep. I wasn't used to riding horses all day and I was a little saddle sore. I had gone almost a year without riding nearly this much and it was taking its toll.

      “It's gettin' cold outside. I can feel the temperature droppin'.” Cole whispered as he slid under the covers and adjusted himself beside me until he was comfortable. I snuggled up to him and instantly remembered how soothing his scent was. He wrapped an arm around me and was playing with my hair. After a few minutes the twisting and twirling of my hair slowed and eventually stopped. This was when the light snoring began. I stiffled a giggle and decided it was time for me to go to sleep too. I did just that in no time.

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