Baby Movement

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CHAPTER 3 – Baby Movement

I was walking through a beautiful meadow at dusk, wolves were howling in a relaxing way. I was picking flowers and putting them in my basket. I almost had it full when I heard horses running towards me. I looked up and saw John, smiling and happy. I heard the other horse stop behind me. I turned around to see Cole, sitting on his black stallion, wearing his crooked grin that I'd always loved. His scar was turned up as he was smiling, and I realized I'd never found out how he got it.

Both men dismounted and walked to me. Cole reached out his hand, and John did the same. They never acknowledged each other. My chest hurt at the sight of Cole. My heart beat quickened and I felt that dreadful lump in my throat, warning me that I was going to burst into tears.

I took a step towards Cole, and reached for his hand, but he disappeared. John was the only one left with me, and I fell to the ground in sobs.

I heard cows, a lot of cows. I looked around to see where they were, but didn't see anything except for John. "Miss Cassidy, you need to get up." He said, softly. I stood up and he said it again, I was about to ask him what he meant, since I was already standing up. I was jolted out of my sleep.

"John!" I screamed, as I calmed myself. He smiled, and was about to say something, when I started to cry.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Miss Cassidy, I didn't mean to scare you like that." He said, in a pitiful voice. I shook my head, and tried to stop the tears. I couldn't, they just kept coming.

"It... wasn't you... I had a... bad dream." I sobbed. John sat next to me and put an arm around me, trying to be comforting. He was more awkward than anything.

"I was just goin' to tell you I got us some cows." He quietly said. I nodded and tried to smile, but it didn't feel right. How could I smile, or be happy when the only man I've ever loved, and gave my heart to, doesn't even want me?

It made sense after I heard the cows outside. I must have heard them while I was still dreaming and it made it's way to my head. A person's mind is a mysterious thing. I'd often wondered about the functions and processes that go about in my own head, and I didn't think anyone would ever figure out the processes in a man's mind.

"Miss Cassidy, Landon is goin' to help me around the garden and with the cows. He needed the work, so I told him I'd split my pay with him. If that's alright with you?"

"Oh, yes, that's fine." I said quietly, still trying to compose myself.

"I'll be sleepin' at his house. They have an extra bedroom and I know you want to have time to yourself. If you need me though, I'll stay." His statement was more like a question. I shook my head for no, he was right. I did need a little time to myself, and we weren't really married. So, he didn't have an obligation to stay.

"You can stay with him. I'm not very good company these days." I said with a smile. He smiled in return and left my room. I got dressed, ready to start my day, when I felt the strangest sensation in my belly. I put my hand right where I'd felt the tingle, and felt it again. It felt almost like a cricket was running across my stomach. It finally registered, 'The baby is movin'!"

I ran outside and yelled for John. He came running around the house and gave me a worried look. When he saw my excited expression, he relaxed and came closer. "What is it?"

"The baby just moved!" I half screamed. John smiled, but it looked pained. I wondered why, but didn't think on it very long because my baby was still moving around. I was amazed at the feeling of his or her movements, and the feeling of life inside of me. I was responsible for this child, I was a mother. It took 5 months to realize it, and I was already in love with this baby. Just feeling that little movement made me realize that. I beamed at John, and he seemed happy.

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