The Thunder Rolls

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CHAPTER 19 - The Thunder Rolls

The sun was just beginning to rise when I opened my eyes. I looked next to me to find that my precious little boy was giggling and smiling. I looked to the opposite side to see Cole smiling in his sleep. I sat up and leaned over Britt. He screeched at me and laughed even louder. I couldn't stop smiling at my adorable baby boy. Seth and Jack were both still asleep, but Seth was the one mumbling. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but every few seconds he would move a little. He must have been dreaming.

I quietly looked around in Cole's saddle bag to maybe find something I could cook for breakfast. I only found a small bag of bacon and what was left of the Mexican cornbread, which wasn't much. It was enough for all of us to eat though, so I got the fire going and started on fixing the men something to eat.


Catherine's POV

This was in my favor now. John believed I was carrying his baby and that Cassidy had left him for Cole. I would use him to get to Mexico and hopefully his hatred would be the downfall of Cole Mason. John and I got a room at the hotel that night and I filled his head with so much crap that it wasn't funny anymore. I was willing to do whatever I had to, just to make sure Cassidy would be miserable and Cole would be dead. It was sunrise when John woke me.

"Catherine, wake up." He said softly with a gentle shake. John was always a sweet and gentle soul. Too bad I was using him. If he survives, I just might marry him.

"I'm awake." I said while rolling over, which was uncomfortable and complicated while being 9 months pregnant. I was so disgusted with looking like a cow.

"I'm gonna go get us some horses."

"Do you think you could get a wagon instead?" I tried to sound as pitiful as possible, and it worked. I wanted us to take a wagon so we'd have more room for supplies. Also, when it was time to sleep I wouldn't have to sleep on the hard ground. My back was already in pain from being so pregnant. A night on the ground just might do me in.

I gave John the money to pay for the wagon and the two horses. We left West Wood around mid morning and I was already dreading the long ride to Mexico. John sat in the driver's seat and held the reins firmly in his rough hands. He was so on edge. My plan was working and I was quite proud of myself. I should have been on stage. But I had to admit I was on edge too. Why in the hell did Cassidy and John get married?

"Anythin' else I need to know?" John asked in such a voice it made me think he was dreading an answer. I'd told him enough shit already.

"Not that I can think of right now, darlin'." I sweetly said, as if none of this was affecting me. It wasn't, but whatever. I was sure the gang was in Mexico by now, so I was in no rush to get on their trail. I knew where they would go and I was going to hang around until the time was right.


Seth was watching me fidget in the saddle. I was uncomfortable and wished I was small enough to fit in a sling cloth like Britt, who was sleeping now. The sun was directly above us, so I pulled the cloth to hang over his face. After Seth had thought of something to say, he said it. "Cassie, you used to ride with us no problem. What's wrong with you?" The grin on his face was too cute.

"Well, I reckon when you ain't done it in so long, you have to get used to it all over again." I returned a smile to him. Then the thought popped into my head, I wonder if Seth ever thinks about the day they left... When he... I let my thought fade away. I felt guilty for thinking about it, but I couldn't help it. Seth had potential to be a wonderful man to some woman one day and I decided to just be happy for whoever the lucky woman might be. I had the little brother and that was good enough for me, even if I did think about his older brother all the time.

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